Clarification re: CFL placement


Active Member
I've got some very nice plants growing under 2 20w cool tubes, 2 27w cool cfls, 1 65w cool cfl and 1 55w warm cfl. Right now, all except the 2 20w cool tubes are around the sides of the plant and the 2 tubes are at the top of the plants- I move them up as the plants grow.

The problem I'm going to have soon, though, is that the plants are going to get too big for the stand that the 2 20w cool tubes are on. I was planning on moving the tubes to the sides of the plants and then encircling them with the rest of the lights, but then the plants won't get light from on top.

Will this be a problem? Should the plants always have light on top, as well as on the side? Thanks!


Elite Rolling Society
They need light from the top, YES.
They really need a bath of light or lights coming from all directions, with those smaller CFLs. Get them as close as possible. And use lots of reflector.