Clean Up


Active Member
I'm looking for a caregiver, so my first question is, what do I get for letting you cultivate my 12 plants..
You get all the overages, so what do you have to offer me other then your car payment ?
A decent caregiver should offer you high grade meds whenever you need them for a reasonable price. What do you care if someone makes their car payment with their money. As far as overages, anybody that shares youre mentality should just do it on their own. Its really quite simple. Then again, so is your sarcasm.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I'm looking for a caregiver, so my first question is, what do I get for letting you cultivate my 12 plants..
You get all the overages, so what do you have to offer me other then your car payment ?

That's a great question.

Personally, I don't want any more plants or a c/g card. I live in a locality that has passed a caregiver ordinance. My city requires c/g's to register, get a small business license, and submit to electrical and fire code inspections. That's a big hassle to me.

I'd prefer to simply supply any overage I may have to a needy patient, for a reasonable fee (free med/fee to offset growing cost) which I used to be able to do, before the p2p ruling.

Realistically, I could supply 3 patients and my self, with my 12 plant total, if I simply maxed plant size and pushed the production cycle. Assuming none of the patients need more than 2.5 oz every 2 months. My goal being simply to net free meds for myself, and make a couple extra bucks for the time I spend gardening. I don't need huge income, I'm good with the retirement income I have. But hey, a little extra cash wouldn't hurt. I also believe that was the intent of the law. I'm talking free meds, and maybe 125 an oz for my growing costs and time.

A guy doing it for his sole living, would need more than me.

I know a guy doing it for a living with 2 patients and himself. He COULD have 36 plants. He only uses 18. He is able to supply both patients, all they need, free of charge. He then has enough overage to make a buck "donating" to a dispensary. He doesn't make much money, but he gets by. Here is a pic of his current grow. Querkle..

His 9 flowered plants yield about 4 oz each (high yield painkilling Indica) so 36 oz every 2 months. His patients use 4oz per cycle, he uses 2 per cycle. That leaves him that leaves him 26 oz to "donate" to the dispensary at 200 per oz for his time and effort. That's around $2500 amonth income for him. He takes care of both patients too, His mom (massive spinal cord injury) and brother (brain cancer) he does housework for them, runs errands etc. I think he is pretty fair..if not working cheap. But he has no wife and no kids, so his cost of living doesn't include a family.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
A decent caregiver should offer you high grade meds whenever you need them for a reasonable price. What do you care if someone makes their car payment with their money. As far as overages, anybody that shares youre mentality should just do it on their own. Its really quite simple. Then again, so is your sarcasm.
I know it's really quite simple, I have 12 plants which is really the most important part of the grow.
Why would I "give" my 12 plants to someone who is going to "charge" me for what they produce ?
My plants are "free" but the meds aren't ?


Active Member
I know it's really quite simple, I have 12 plants which is really the most important part of the grow.
Why would I "give" my 12 plants to someone who is going to "charge" me for what they produce ?
My plants are "free" but the meds aren't ?
Again, simple. Because you dont have the time or the space or the motovation to do it yourself. So you have someone do it for you and you pay them. Kind of like you have a car, you can wash it yourself if youd like, or you can pay someone to wash it for you.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Again, simple. Because you dont have the time or the space or the motovation to do it yourself. So you have someone do it for you and you pay them. Kind of like you have a car, you can wash it yourself if youd like, or you can pay someone to wash it for you.
But I get points every time I fill up my tank. And they wash my car for me at the end of the week, along with a hotdog and coffee.


Active Member
But I get points every time I fill up my tank. And they wash my car for me at the end of the week, along with a hotdog and coffee.
Right and your over paying about 2 dollars a gallon.... If I marked my prices like BP, I would give you free papers and a bong wash too.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Ok, I've got a car (plants) you need a ride (pay for the gas) and we both get there at the same time.. Why would I owe you anything ?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
A decent caregiver should offer you high grade meds whenever you need them for a reasonable price. What do you care if someone makes their car payment with their money. As far as overages, anybody that shares youre mentality should just do it on their own. Its really quite simple. Then again, so is your sarcasm.

So, if I couldn't grow, you'd grow MY12 plants for me, charge me for the time and effort cultivating MY plants at 2 to 2.5 per oz on what MY plants produce, plus keep the overages from MY plants to provide to other patients, who would also give you 2 to 2.5 per oz for your time and efforts?

Lets say MY 12 plants produce only 2.5 oz each. Flowering 6 at a time, that's 15 oz every 2 months. Your time and effort for cultivating MY plants, is worth $1500 per month? And if you have 5 patients, $7500 per month? are a caring guy. That's 90 grand a year....for all the work of a 60 plant garden. and that's at 200 per zip. Well over 100k at 250 per zip. That's a reasonable wage for a gardener? Heaven forbid MY plants yield 3 to 4 oz per...

As far as overages, anyone that shares your mentality is a profiteer, not a care giver.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
So, if I couldn't grow, you'd grow MY12 plants for me, charge me for the time and effort cultivating MY plants at 2 to 2.5 per oz on what MY plants produce, plus keep the overages from MY plants to provide to other patients, who would also give you 2 to 2.5 per oz for your time and efforts?

Lets say MY 12 plants produce only 2.5 oz each. Flowering 6 at a time, that's 15 oz every 2 months. Your time and effort for cultivating MY plants, is worth $1500 per month? And if you have 5 patients, $7500 per month? are a caring guy. That's 90 grand a year....for all the work of a 60 plant garden. and that's at 200 per zip. Well over 100k at 250 per zip. That's a reasonable wage for a gardener?

As far as overages, anyone that shares your mentality is a profiteer, not a care giver.
You should be a laywer, you could bill 90 hours per day.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
So, if I couldn't grow, you'd grow MY12 plants for me, charge me for the time and effort cultivating MY plants at 2 to 2.5 per oz on what MY plants produce, plus keep the overages from MY plants to provide to other patients, who would also give you 2 to 2.5 per oz for your time and efforts?

Lets say MY 12 plants produce only 2.5 oz each. Flowering 6 at a time, that's 15 oz every 2 months. Your time and effort for cultivating MY plants, is worth $1500 per month? And if you have 5 patients, $7500 per month? are a caring guy. That's 90 grand a year....for all the work of a 60 plant garden. and that's at 200 per zip. Well over 100k at 250 per zip. That's a reasonable wage for a gardener? Heaven forbid MY plants yield 3 to 4 oz per...

As far as overages, anyone that shares your mentality is a profiteer, not a care giver.
Oh Bob...they aren't your plants silly-you have given up your rights to them. The grower grows them and therefore the plants are HIS/HERS. dollars cents figures psuedo-facts and conjectutre plus jealousy divided by the angle of the sun and electrc bills....still can't see how they're your plants. See, YOUR plants produce JACK cuz you don't grow them in thiis scenario somebody else does-not yours- I have some small children, we're working on this right now with the 3 year old. Can't just run up on sombody's things and start saying mine mine mine. He's getting it-I hope you do too soon. speak in terms of "rights" not plants-you GAVE nobody a plant and therefore they don't have YOUR plant. I do read your posts Bob and my bob-ate is lowering; I'm not picking on you I jsut hope people some day will stop with the your plant my plant thng-its rights not plants. Y'all keep your right to hold buds and smokeable product but you kiss good-bye to plants when you sign on the dotted line.


Well-Known Member
i just can't understand-

don't worry bob, the ones doing it the way you are talking about, don't care. their time is coming.

on another note, i don't know if you guys read any of the other states mm forum threads, but you should. if what bob is saying is right, then we are screwed for sure. big business, and the fed are not trying to be our friends in this i don't think. by trying to assimilate into their world we are only eliminating ourselves.
imagine if the government has a plan. as was said in other thread they own the patent. they are in the last phases of testing for pharma canna meds. i think soon all this growing at home is going to come to an end. there will be jobs for growers, but only the best.

plants that grow 2.5 ounces per, are flowered from seed, and are super easy to care for. most likely one that grows in that manner is not concerned with numbers, he batches a thousand. now the med grower that uses this discipline HAS to charge big money for his meds, because his grow is FINITE.

on the other hand, where plant numbers are crucial, some are learning the plant and coercing it to produce. i.e. farming. so that medical grower is able to produce copious amounts of flowers in the same facility with lower numbers of plants, through more invested energy.

the first, imo, is either an amateur, or an illegal cash cropper.

the second, is a farmer, and if he is fair to his patients(relative to different situations), and is able to draw an income of 100K a year, for honest, hard work, through investment and research and development, good for him.
you are discounting the wage based on the size of the garden, not on the value of the commodity produced. or the investment required to produce it.

what i do is worth much more than the cash cropper. you'd be amazed at the number of growers i know that use AVID, on flowers.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
So, if I couldn't grow, you'd grow MY12 plants for me, charge me for the time and effort cultivating MY plants at 2 to 2.5 per oz on what MY plants produce, plus keep the overages from MY plants to provide to other patients, who would also give you 2 to 2.5 per oz for your time and efforts?

Lets say MY 12 plants produce only 2.5 oz each. Flowering 6 at a time, that's 15 oz every 2 months. Your time and effort for cultivating MY plants, is worth $1500 per month? And if you have 5 patients, $7500 per month? are a caring guy. That's 90 grand a year....for all the work of a 60 plant garden. and that's at 200 per zip. Well over 100k at 250 per zip. That's a reasonable wage for a gardener? Heaven forbid MY plants yield 3 to 4 oz per...

As far as overages, anyone that shares your mentality is a profiteer, not a care giver.
Not only would they not be your plants since your card would say "NO" right next to "allowed to possess plants", you would only be allowed 2.5 oz. What the grower does with the rest is none of your business. As long as you get the amount you want and it's within the law, and it's the price agreed on, that's that. The grower doesn't have to tell you shit and doesn't owe you shit beyond that point.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Oh Bob...they aren't your plants silly-you have given up your rights to them. The grower grows them and therefore the plants are HIS/HERS. dollars cents figures psuedo-facts and conjectutre plus jealousy divided by the angle of the sun and electrc bills....still can't see how they're your plants. See, YOUR plants produce JACK cuz you don't grow them in thiis scenario somebody else does-not yours- I have some small children, we're working on this right now with the 3 year old. Can't just run up on sombody's things and start saying mine mine mine. He's getting it-I hope you do too soon. speak in terms of "rights" not plants-you GAVE nobody a plant and therefore they don't have YOUR plant. I do read your posts Bob and my bob-ate is lowering; I'm not picking on you I jsut hope people some day will stop with the your plant my plant thng-its rights not plants. Y'all keep your right to hold buds and smokeable product but you kiss good-bye to plants when you sign on the dotted line.
(2) for each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility; and

Cory and trevor..there is the section of the law as written...where does it say the plants now belong to the care giver?
Because I read law: to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, and that doesn't say to cultivate his new found plants and supply the patient.

So, If I boarded my horses with you, they are no longer mine? Or they are mine, but when I'm not enjoying them, you can rent them out to plow fields?

With all due respect, you may want to work with those kids on interpreting what they read.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
(2) for each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility; and

Cory and trevor..there is the section of the law as written...where does it say the plants now belong to the care giver?
Because I read law: to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, and that doesn't say to cultivate his new found plants and supply the patient.

So, If I boarded my horses with you, they are no longer mine? Or they are mine, but when I'm not enjoying them, you can rent them out to plow fields?

With all due respect, you may want to work with those kids on interpreting what they read.
They are plants, not horses. And it is written in the LAW you are not allowed to possess plants. Is there a law that says you are not allowed to possess horses? Stupid comparison.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Not only would they not be your plants since your card would say "NO" right next to "allowed to possess plants", you would only be allowed 2.5 oz. What the grower does with the rest is none of your business. As long as you get the amount you want and it's within the law, and it's the price agreed on, that's that.

It says "NO" so that you can't cultivate your own AND have some one else cultivate 12 more for you. It has nothing to do with the transfer of "who owns the plants"...And the cg can only have 2.5 as well. MY 2.5that he cultivated for ME.

Why do you think there are so many cg busts going on now? The answer is because so many(not all) people wish to think like you.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
They are plants, not horses. And it is written in the LAW you are not allowed to possess plants. Is there a law that says you are not allowed to possess horses? Stupid comparison.
Actually, it's a pretty good comparison. It just make sense, so you don't wish to accept it.

Here, I'll adjust it so law comes into play.

Say I live in the city, and it is illegal to have horses on my property. So I board my horses with you. Are they now your horses? Can you rent them out to plow fields when I'm not enjoying them?

see the similarity now?


Active Member
are you signing your horses over to me?if you sign a piece of paper saying they are mine then they are my horses and yes i would rent them to you. 8^)

bob harris

Well-Known Member
are you signing your horses over to me?if you sign a piece of paper saying they are mine then they are my horses and yes i would rent them to you. 8^)
Nope. and neither is a patient. He doesn't sign a piece of paper that says the plants are yours. He sign a piece of paper that says you may cultivate them FOR him. Big difference. You're supposed to interpret the law as it was intended, not as you wish it to read.

Just like boarding horses, I sign a piece of paper agreeing to pay you to feed and care for them, not to own them and allow me to use them. Big difference.


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is unless you expect your caregiver to do something illegal with the meds from the plants , then your so called 12 plants do not do the caregiver any good. So you giving him the right to grow 12 more plants means nothing. This right that you think you are giving up and that you think is worth so much is worth nothing to a caregiver. You have nothing to bargain with. Unless you are buying the meds from the caregiver the plants are more of a burden than anything.