Clone After Harvest?


Active Member
First post, been lurking for the past 3 months here. First time grower using dwc buckets w/bubblers. Started with 11 plants, made NUMEROUS mistakes, lost 2 completely, most male and now left with 4 females. 2 beautiful, healthy females are ready to harvest now. I did not know you should clone before flowering and now I'm worried. These 2 females are a high yielding strain so I'd like to clone. Should I do that before harvest, after I need to reveg if I do it after harvest? What issues should I be prepared for cloning at this stage? Can I put my clones back into my small bubbler after rooting gel? Do I have to invest in a cloning machine or build one on my own instead? Again, I am SO new at this, I am amazed I have any plants left. However, it was this site that led me to my plant problem solutions so I am hoping someone more experienced than I has some input here.


Active Member
first of all clone before flowering and it's unsure that there female unless feminized...i'd watch other threads for a bit and learn proper growing. check out Mr. Green on you tube...i don't agree with everything he does but it's good for starters(getting a general idea) if you follow to my post then you can view some of the links on nutrient's and solution's.


Active Member
...but I would love it if there were a way to clone at this point. I read a thread on another forum about revegging and then taking clones, just not sure what the pitfalls might be or what the success rate is. Thanks for the reply!


Active Member
i wouldn't rely on cloning after you flower but don't take my word for it...there are more people out there with experiance, you just have to wait for a more detailed response. good luck


Well-Known Member
It is going to be hard to clone a plant that is ready for harvest. It will be massive shock to the plant and then its going to want to use any stored energy to finish flowering instead of making new roots. Revegging is also very hard on your plant and it may not survive the process. If your going to try to reveg it only take the buds off gently leave as many leaves as you can and then stick it under 18-24 hours of light a day. Keep it watered maybe give it some light nutes if you have been flushing it out before harvest. I would try both if I really wanted to keep that strain, take a few small clones and pray and pray and pray and then try to reveg the plant. I just wouldn't put all your eggs in those baskets, be prepared to start over. Hope that helps a little. Peace.


Well-Known Member
the only negative aspect to clones taken from flower need to re-veg after u cut them and if your more than 2 weeks to harvest by the time u reveg the whole plant u could have a bunch of clones that reverted to veg all set to go and then u can reveg the mother if u like while ur clones from flowering get ready to flower after returning to veg


Well-Known Member
i take my clones off of my flowering females but no more than 3 weeks into it and only from the lower shoots that are not getting much light. people will tell you it hurts the genetics over time, but its working for me and i've seen no difference in quality. i use rapid rooter plug, veg dome, and seedling starter heating pad; they always take in about 2-3 weeks; good luck!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i take my clones off of my flowering females but no more than 3 weeks into it and only from the lower shoots that are not getting much light. people will tell you it hurts the genetics over time, but its working for me and i've seen no difference in quality. i use rapid rooter plug, veg dome, and seedling starter heating pad; they always take in about 2-3 weeks; good luck!
i have b4 also and does take about 2 weeks to root and about a month more to vert back to veg. if you cut b4 flower then you have that much more growth during veg awaiting the flower room.


Well-Known Member
yea i got a monster haze that is about 4-5 weeks until finished; and it was done under this method. Its in my album :D