Clone Dried Out


Active Member
I'm trying to preserve the northern light strain i have, and I only had like 2 clones going in the cloning system. One of them rooted, and then somehow it got tugged out of the hole it was in, and the roots dried up a bit. I found it this morning and I quickly dipped the TINY roots in water and then put it back into the hole in the cloning system.

The roots were probably like a quarter of an inch in length and there were only like maybe 4 little ones, they ALL dried out. But when I popped it back into the cloner, it seems like it's okay, and it didnt seem like the plant was all dried up.

What I'm asking is if I did the necessary steps to rejuvenate it, do you guys think there's a chance for survival?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should probably mention that I use an aeroponic cloner for my grows. Haha.


Well-Known Member
If it seems like its recovering, I'd say it will be all good. Never had it happen so cant say for sure....but sounds ok.