Clone gel cup used only to seal and secure cuttings


Well-Known Member
So I was given these gel2root cups, everything I have read says it will keep a plant alive in it for 3 weeks even, but no sign of roots Ever!, only lush green standing leaves and sturdy stem. So they can't be that bad right?

So it got my mind to thinking realizing I cannot root out in them I transplanted my Lavender cross, catpiss, and the Hindu skunk to RR cubes buried in 16 oz cups of Ffof one day later. They are all three in a humidity dome and look wonderful only 2 days after taking them.

From what I see it not only seals the cutting it supplies moisture to it which is a very important thing. Some of the nicest clones I've ever seen. I will post you all some pics tommorrow.

Please, if you have any ideas speak up..


Well-Known Member

So here are the pics, they are one day in gel and one day transplanted in Root riots in dirt. Whatcha think.