clone help


Well-Known Member
Hi guys i took 4 clones of 2 of my females that had started to flower i know not ideal but just didnt wanna let them go without any, anyway they have been planted with rooting hormone and its been about a week now and some of the leaves have turned a white colour from half way down to the tips any ideas what could cause it??


Well-Known Member
hopfully its them makeing roots did you cut the big leaves in half and you want to remove the yellow leaves or they have a tendency to spread


Well-Known Member
It's normal for clones to do this. They are just pulling nutrients from the leaves, since they have no roots any more. They will do this until they have roots. It's nothing to worry about, and personally, I would leave the leaves alone, at least until they have been completely used up, or the plant has rooted.


Well-Known Member
peranaly i cut all the big leave off. did u go derectaly in soil with the clones
I let them stand in water for a few hours before putting them in rooting gel then yeah straight in the soil.
As for the leaves there are not any big leaves i took the cuttings from low down so not that many leaves and only small.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I let them stand in water for a few hours before putting them in rooting gel then yeah straight in the soil.
As for the leaves there are not any big leaves i took the cuttings from low down so not that many leaves and only small.
HOW MUCH MUTS ARE IN THE SOIL. YOU DON'T WANT ANY it will just burn everything thats trying to start


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I probably didn't word that right. When taking clones, i usually take a growth tip plus 2 nodes below. The bottom nodes, I remove the leaves completely. The next set up, i cut the leaves in half to slow transpiration. These are the leaves that turn yellow for me. I leave them until the clone has rooted, or until they turn brown and devoid of nutrients, whichever happens first.


Well-Known Member
oh ok get you sorry my first attempt at this lol most of the leaves are ok just the ones that are near the bottom a few have fell off one of the clones but they were a bit smaller and right at the bottom.
There are no nuts in the soil at all just organic mg rooting soil.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
oh ok get you sorry my first attempt at this lol most of the leaves are ok just the ones that are near the bottom a few have fell off one of the clones but they were a bit smaller and right at the bottom.
There are no nuts in the soil at all just organic mg rooting soil.
cool then how is your humidity and temps light cycle


Well-Known Member
I have them under 24 light at the min with me taking them from 12/12 mothers they are under a 6500k t5 and 2 20w cfl the temp is around 22-23 and humidity is at around 75% to 80% is this ok or bad??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I have them under 24 light at the min with me taking them from 12/12 mothers they are under a 6500k t5 and 2 20w cfl the temp is around 22-23 and humidity is at around 75% to 80% is this ok or bad??
im an idiot 22-23 is that 75degs