Clone mortality going up


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm currently taking about a dozen clones every couple weeks. A few months ago, I was getting about 3/4 of them (or better) to root.
Now only about 25% of them are making it to repotting.

I'm using all the same materials I was then, just wondering if a mum that's a little over a year old might not be producing the hormones that a younger plant would ?

I've just started taking clones from my new mums so we'll see.

I'm also getting what looks like tiny amounts of green mold on the soil (peat pellets) right where the stem comes out. This seems to go away if I leave the dome off for a couple days to let everything dry out a bit.

I've had probs in the past with fungus gnat larvae eating the roots as they are coming out, but my last bleach application seems to have taken care of the little buggers, though I'm still using paper traps and neem oil as a precaution.

Thanks for the help...