clone pH fluctiation?


Active Member
Ive started 4 clones yesterday in a cheap baking pan from walmart. metal bottom clear top. i originally let my rockwool and 12" bubblebar soak in 5.5 water overnight. i added a drop of superthrive and thats it. clones were dipped into clonex then rootone and put in. theyre in about a half inch of standing water with the stem to the bottom of the tray. the whole setup is placed atop my 8 bulb t5's and i dont have any other light on them. (theres a 400w hps about a foot away whos footprint is below them). im thinking i need to change the water. the waters pH has now risen to 6.4. so the question is.. do i just ph the fresh water to 5.5 again and put it in? i know these plants are prone to not liking that much of a fluctuation. do i need to adjust slowly? in 48 hours when i change it again.. is it going to .9 points higher again? whats the general consensus here with this? thanks in advance.


Active Member
Probably fine either way. Since they're not growing ph can't affect nutrient uptake. If the water is nasty change it but otherwise not a big deal till you get some roots.


Weed Modifier
Don't leave any extra water in tray( there is enough in the rockwool)....that you already ph'd, no need to adjust anymore... just be patient and when the rockwool gets almost dry...add a little ph'd water...just enough to moisten your rockwool. peace


Active Member
Don't leave any extra water in tray( there is enough in the rockwool)....that you already ph'd, no need to adjust anymore... just be patient and when the rockwool gets almost dry...add a little ph'd water...just enough to moisten your rockwool. peace
Yes, sorry I went right by that;)


Active Member
finally rooted.. i got another pan and put it inside the clone pan and added water. added an aquarium heater that stays at 87F. showed roots within 2 days.