Cloneing while the mother plant still feeds it??


Active Member
ok i have a question to ask if anyone has ever tryed this
take a plastic bottle cut the bottom off and up the side so you can put it around the branch..
put some cotton balls or something in the bottom hole and tape up the sides to enclose the branch...
tie up the bottle so it doesnt move, fill it up with soil and keep it waterd..
wait 2 weeks and should be rooting? then cut the stem off the mother and let the roots do the work..
i have never tried this yet until this weekend im gonna experiment just wanted to hear someones input!!!


Active Member
I'm pretty sure your talking about air layering
thanks man you helped me alot i have like 2 foot branches on my girls that i want to remove so what im gonna do is wrap them root them and re-plant them cant hurt...
experiment time!!
have like 6 more 2 foot plants if all works well and have more bud??