Clones and genetic questions...


Well-Known Member
After a successful first outdoor grow this summer I want have a go at some indoor growing over the winter...

I want to squeeze in 2 grows before I start to concentrate on next years outdoor grow. Ideally I want a mother plant for the second indoor and also for the outdoor project.

So here are my questions...

Does a mother plant have to be grown from seed or can it be a clone of another plant?
If I buy feminised seeds can I use one of these as a mother plant?
If I was to top an small plant can this be used as a clone or do clones have to come from a mature plant?
Are the genetics better if I buy mixed seeds and use a female for cloning?


Well-Known Member
you can use a clone for a mother, and a top from a small plant can be a clone and then grown into a mother, a feminized seed can also be a mother plant. And i am not sure on your last question.


Well-Known Member
So It sounds like mother plants can come from anything basically....

Anyone have any ideas on whether genetics are better when grown from mixed seeds....?


Well-Known Member
Yea a mother plant can come from clone or seed, but if you take to many clones from and already cloned plant genetics can wear out over time if your doing generations of crop from one cloned mother.Clones are best taken when the plant is about month or 2 old and has strong branches anywhere from 1/8 a inch and up will do.root tech is the clone gel that i use i like it works really well i think i saw a tub in fdd's pics and tried it out and have not switched:weed:


Well-Known Member
Why would genetics be preferred from mixed seeds?? One needs to know for certain what strain they'd be bothering to further propagate before cloning, IMO.

I read here somewhere that clones should be taken only from females that have never flowered?
I cloned my strain from a plant that had flowered, and they're doing great.


Well-Known Member
Why would genetics be preferred from mixed seeds?? One needs to know for certain what strain they'd be bothering to further propagate before cloning, IMO.

I read here somewhere that clones should be taken only from females that have never flowered?
I cloned my strain from a plant that had flowered, and they're doing great.
So did i:weed: