clones and hermie's


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I have a train wreck female in flower now on day 45 and i think i see male flowers appearing on a few bud sites but i have got 5 clones off this plant she is yeilding good and is really healthy will the clones be hermie to if i let them go on to flower and why has she hermied this late in flowering?

How long before seeds start to develop as i only have 2-3 weeks left.

I opened one of the (i think male flowers) but no pollen was visable.

Any help please + rep


Well-Known Member
man i had the same 1 a ways back, i was told any clones taken off of her are hermie, unless of course the hermie was caused by stress and not genetics. so do you have any light leaking through in the dark cycle? anything else interrupting its natural cycle?