Clones are dying?


Had to chase away a rabbit from eating my plants today (need to get a fence put up) to see It bit the plant at the bottom of the stem which snapped it clean off. Tried to save it by using the cloning technique and it seems to be dying now. Within 2 hours its gone all limp and drooping over. The leaves are still green though and have no brown spots. I cut the stem at a 45, dipped it in rooting gel, and trimmed the leaves. Help anyone? Also have it under a humidity dome. :cry:

Also if you've grown the same strain any opinions? - Critical + 2.0 by Dinafem



Well-Known Member
Its just stressn out a bit. It will perk up. Leave it alone for a day and don't worry about it. If it's gonna live it will. Good luck


Thanks for the feedback, once I put it under the humidity dome and misted it a bit she perked up within the hour - this is one hell of a hobby :hump:


Well-Known Member
I do my clones in root-riot blocks ,never cloned strait into soil .

when I take my clones ,I trim the big weighty leaves in half ,most of the time they will wilt & look like they are not going to take ,but they will stand the next day if conditions are right .

I avoid spraying the clones direct ,only spray the dome & blocks they are rooting in ,I also keep them under fluorescent light 24 -7 ,nice n close to the light ,make sure they don't get to warm ? though ,to much heat will kill them straight off .

when they have rooted though ,i take the dome away ,soil them up .put em back under my fluorescents now on 18-6 , florescent .water with just water for a week till they get established start putting some leaf out ,then I start to feed with a little CANNA A+B ,RIZA -CANZ at EC 0.8