clones keep dying


Active Member
my clones keep dying and im not sure why

120 site E-Z cloner
clone x gel
clone x 2 part root excellerator in water
74 degree water
injectors are not clogged
each site and stem is getting plenty of water/mist
have 4 air stones in the entire thing, keeping all the water moving great

only thing i can think of is that i have them in a 8x8 room with 2000w MH bulbs
the manual says to use flouro tubes for it, any ideas? ive ran 3 batches and lost all of them. ive had better results without using the 2 part root excellerator that i mix into the water at 2tsp per gallon (as it says on bottle)


Well-Known Member
i use a 26 watt cfl for cloning in my 8 site cloner. hids are way to strong for the clones it just fries urs im guessing? just go to home depot and get 4 26 watt cfl bulbs with a few splitters. cost u about 20 bucks. unless u actually feel like forking out some bills then just get a nice 2 ft 4 bulb t5 or something.


Well-Known Member
clones don't need much light my friend
i use hot water when i take the clippings and put them right into my promix and 2 weeks later a dome full of rooted clones, i even use 16oz water bottles for my soil, i'm 99% with this ghetto method :peace:


Active Member
cloning is a prolific trait once plants were reproduce themselves only this way , when earth was a lot of warmer moister than human can handle and sun was penetrating a fraction of its bean if that helps

use low light , spray the leaves many times through day

if u are cloning a leaf dont excpect anyrthing else to happen , same goes for a foot long packed with leaves stem


Active Member
cloning is a prolific trait once plants were reproduce themselves only this way , when earth was a lot of warmer moister than human can handle and sun was penetrating a fraction of its bean if that helps

use low light , spray the leaves many times through day

if u are cloning a leaf dont excpect anyrthing else to happen , same goes for a foot long packed with leaves stem
^^ When you sever a plant from it's root system it has limited capacity to intake water. Normally it will capilary the water through the cut in the stem. But for aeroponics it may not be enough so spray the leaves and the clone has an additional source of hydration.

Another tip is to fertilizer a day er two before and foliar feed the day before cutting. This will load it with nutrients and help keep it greener.

Also, you really only need a couple flouresent T-5s for fresh cuts. Too much light will stress them.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
If you have them under 2000w they need to be as far away as possible from the reflectors. I've successfully rooted clones 4' away from a 1000w light, but had to keep the temps around 72 and had a heating mat underneath the clone tray.

If you can't get them that far away, maybe put a window screen over the top of the cloner to block out some of the light? I do this with some of the herbs I grow for my outdoor garden if I don't want the sun beating on them right away.

Does your cloner have some kind of humidity dome over the clones or something? If they don't stay over 50% humidity they won't do as well either.


Well-Known Member
cloning is a prolific trait once plants were reproduce themselves only this way , when earth was a lot of warmer moister than human can handle and sun was penetrating a fraction of its bean if that helps

use low light , spray the leaves many times through day

if u are cloning a leaf dont excpect anyrthing else to happen , same goes for a foot long packed with leaves stem

do not spray the leaves.......ever. spray the dome, not the clone. i....m....o

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Spraying the leaves will make them more likely to develop mold or rot while in the dome. I mist the inside of the dome and and leave a little water in the tray if they haven't rooted yet.


Active Member
well , where i come from 60% considered dumb , so yes if u leave in a place with mold/funguses dont do it , where i leave u dont clone without a dome or regural spraying
clones need only to no its daytime and night time ive rooted clones in my kithen / living room ect with no lights just daytime hours in my house definatly your prob is the light intensitey try what i say and yourl be good or even a simple cfl energy saver bulb from a hardware store man 5-10-15 watts peace FUGITIVE 360


Active Member
honestly, all that clone gel and stuff, you might be burning your plants and throwing them out of control with all the auxin. I don't use and gel and stick them in a pre-wet oasis cube with a humidity dome. No problems.


Well-Known Member
ok bro. heres what u do. get some cfls. 4 26 watt cfls will do a cloner ur size well with a few splitters from home depot.. when i clone in my cloners i dip the cutting in the cloning gel then directly in the ph'd water. the rooting concentrate tells me to use almost 5 mls of solution per gallon but ive found it to be too much so i only use about 2-3 ml per gallon. 100%roots everytime sofar. the 1000 will fry them before they root even at a distance.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Some people use a dome with them. At least for the first few days. I think most people have good results without one though.


Active Member
never cloned before until reading a bit on this sight and a few books . I got some silicone cubes and trey and a dome . some clonex gel and olivia's root solution . I would say i have about 90% success rate . The week before going 12 /12 i cut and put them in the dome . on the floor under my plants so the hid's are pretty weak under all the over growth . Then as soon as i get some roots i put each in a solo cup of soil and in a 4x4 chest freezer with lid proper about 1 inch open . just one 26w bulb keeps then healthy until my older girls are done . I know it's not idea to do it this way but i have to keep babies small under 12 inches till ready to move to veg room .

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
my clones keep dying and im not sure why

120 site E-Z cloner
clone x gel
clone x 2 part root excellerator in water
74 degree water
injectors are not clogged
each site and stem is getting plenty of water/mist
have 4 air stones in the entire thing, keeping all the water moving great

only thing i can think of is that i have them in a 8x8 room with 2000w MH bulbs
the manual says to use flouro tubes for it, any ideas? ive ran 3 batches and lost all of them. ive had better results without using the 2 part root excellerator that i mix into the water at 2tsp per gallon (as it says on bottle)
First of all your PH is way off, 5.8 is the sweet spot for hydro. 6.5 is far too high,don't go above 6.

Secondly they're exposed to too much light.