Clones perishing after rockwool to soil transplant


Active Member
Hey all I've got 3 different varieties of clones that I got and they were given to me rooted in rockwool. I simply took the rockwool and dropped it in Fox farm ocean forest, with some of the good fungi stuff sprinkled on the rockwool.

Now yesterday they were dropped (24 hours after transplant) and I thought perhaps its a bit of shock or something. Now they are beginning to dry up and straight die.

I drenched the soil when I watered them after the transplant. I just looked at them today and they seem like they've taken up some water as the pots are lighter, but I didn't water them in case this is a case of over watering. I have successfully done rockwool to soil transplants with no issues whatsoever. pls help out these are good genetics and I'd love to save them.


Well-Known Member
Did you water the rockwool during that 'drenching' If so the plant is drowning. Need to only water the soil. Rockwool holds onto water too well.

Did the rockwool cubs have roots coming out the bottom? (and not just a tip peeking through, but 1/2 to an inch at least?)


Active Member
Did you water the rockwool during that 'drenching' If so the plant is drowning. Need to only water the soil. Rockwool holds onto water too well.

Did the rockwool cubs have roots coming out the bottom? (and not just a tip peeking through, but 1/2 to an inch at least?)
yes i didt water the rockwool along with the soil, but the rockwool was almost completely dry during the time of transplant. As far as roots they were beyond abundant. i mean one of the clones was just satured with roots in the rockwool. I dunno is there anything to save these girls?


Active Member
i just experimented with a similar issue.. i was germinating in rockwool and had excellent results, but i thought i wouldnt bother with perlite until i put in a larger pot, so into little pots the rockwool went with my 5 in 1 super aussie soil mixture and every single one died.. so whether it overloaded on nutes who knows, it certainly seemed that way.. current ones again germinated superbly, and i potted them in 50% perlite and 50% 5in1 soil and they are going great.. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
maybe they are too dry?? I was having a problem with my rock wool started clones...they were going along fine for 2 weeks or so and then they just started wilting and looked alot like yours do....I was feeling they were too dry so I (possibly stupidly) potted them up in soil to keep them moister...they were not really getting worse but not better.... I asked a friend to have a look at them and he suggested mixing hydrogen peroxide in some water ( 1drop in half a liter) 1 hour latter and they were perking up and they are all growing new leaves and looking lush...... I dont know if that will help yours but its prob worth a try
good luck:eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: