

Active Member
Ok so days previous to today my clones wern't looking so good and i noticed today they were actullay sticking up so i think they rooted and i was just wondering how long it would take before could take they out of the humidity dome and into a pot outside with the others... I was thinking i should give it atleast another week... any thoughts?


Misguided Angel
What do you have the clones rooting in? I wait until I can see the roots in my rockwool cubes, that's how I know they're ready.


Active Member
I use rapid rooters, after 7 days in the dome I pull em out and stick em under a 400W HPS. For the ones with great root balls I put in the rock wool and let em take off. About 20% of them typically stay in teh tray but with the dome off for another day or two until the roots are showing.


Active Member
...they are in some soilless soil and they are outside not in the direct sun all day.
they actually look good and i was surprised by the results for outdoor cloning.
I think i will just wait until they look like a good stable size before i put it out of the dome and into the wind and sun.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
...they are in some soilless soil and they are outside not in the direct sun all day.
they actually look good and i was surprised by the results for outdoor cloning.
I think i will just wait until they look like a good stable size before i put it out of the dome and into the wind and sun.
don't put them in a dome if they have rooted already. the dome is to help keep the humidity up during the rooting stage, not after the fact..