cloning anyone


Well-Known Member
hi guys i have 2 ssh plants vegging for about 4 months and they have got masive i want to take clones and want to know the best way


Well-Known Member
flush it of nitrogen and take cuttings from the lower part of the plant. The rest you will find in the faqs.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks man i was watching a film that says take the cutting from the top what do u think with that


Active Member
Top/bottom dont really matter :-) Smaller (softer) the cut the faster it will root. If you 'top' your plants then of course you can always root the tips that you remove, don't waste them :-) If you look at the last post in my thread (today) you can see 2 clones I just cut and placed in my usual home made (cut down milk bottle!!) clone rooter :-)

Its no great science, just keep everything clean and keep the cuts warm and moist. 7 to 10 days you will have roots!

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
The bottom has more Hormones in it and is the easiest to clone and root. the higher you go up the harder and less chance of rooting.
Checl out my album on my signature Clone 101 and clone 101 2


Well-Known Member
I've found lower cuts root faster but higher ones grow more once they do root. Just my experience though, it isn't a huge difference really.