Cloning Gel/Solution Advice?


Well-Known Member
I'll be ready to start cloning my female fruit punch and snowbud in a week or so. I have rockwool 2" cubes but need to get some cloning gel or solution. So, I'm seeking advice on
1) gel v solution
2) brand

I also noticed that a number off the products I've seen have a "do not use on food products" listed on the labels. Does this also apply to weed?

Thanks for the advice!


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Also your going to need both. Solution to soak the rock wool, and gel to dip the cuts into. Clonex for solution and another vote for root tec gel.


Well-Known Member
Follow Up Question:

How many clones does a 2 oz container of RootTech ge cover? I'll only be starting about 6 clones, but am wondering is I should get the 4 oz. This stuff is $$$Pricey!!!$$$$!!!


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics "Rapid Start" You don't need a rooting gel/powder with this stuff. It's all I use on seeds and clones.
My second choice would be Clonex, Olivia's, I didn't care for that stuff much.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
I use clonex myself 100% success, I bought 2" collars and netpots on ebay and at the dollar store picked up a small Tupperware container , cut 6 1&3/4" holes in it. Added an air stone and everything roots. Cut the bottoms off the netpots


Well-Known Member
I was using a cheapo jar of rooting powder but it lost its mojo over several years. I started having a hard time cloning and trying to keep things organic I tried using my aloe plant. Unfortunately the aloe hardly worked any better than using expired powder or nothing at all. So I bought a bottle of Clonex Gel $17 - Amazon. First clone I tested it on blew out roots all throughout the rockwool cube. I shouldn't judge based on one test but I am relieved and highly recommend the Clonex.

For soaking rockwool I just use RO water and a few pinches of sphagnum peat moss. The main idea is to knock the ph down a bit and maybe add a bit of nutrient. I like to add EWC water after the clone has been in the cube for a few days.


Well-Known Member
The powder stuff works great. Its cheap and lasts forever.

I like to soak my cubes in water with a myco product. Makes for fuzzy, moldy looking roots.


Well-Known Member
i just build an aerocloner, trying it out now, hopefully it results great cause i don't use any gel or anything!


Well-Known Member
I'll be ready to start cloning my female fruit punch and snowbud in a week or so. I have rockwool 2" cubes but need to get some cloning gel or solution. So, I'm seeking advice on 1) gel v solution 2) brand I also noticed that a number off the products I've seen have a "do not use on food products" listed on the labels. Does this also apply to weed? Thanks for the advice! z
I would think if it's not safe to eat, it wouldn't be safe to inhale either.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about the non food rating IMO its long gone by the time you smoke it I would think lol.