cloning in the closet


Well-Known Member
ok guys so this is my first time cloning, i've read over a few of the tutorials, but it was a while ago, so if i could get some help ya...thx. hahkiss-ass

ok so just picked up 3 clones from the club, two different types of shiva and wicked widow. i have 3 different types going right now chocolate thai, og diesel, and blueberry.

i definitely want to clone the blueberry and diesel, right before they go into flower but i'm wondering

what is the smallest clipping i can take? and i've been told that it is very important to take a branch from the top, but i don't want to lose too much of my yield for my girls i've been vegging for close to 6 weeks

any help would be appreciated, if i wasnt clear let me know i'm in a bongsmilie stsate of mind


Well-Known Member
oh yea a couple of my babies i've been vegging i've LST'd so they've got some branches REALLY low to the ground, like coming out right at the base of the stem, and i was thinking i could use some of them...but is that cool that they'll be from so low on the stem?

and yea some are like 3 inches pretty slim and i'm wondering if thats a lost cause.


Well-Known Member
hey guys
myself i take big cutings ,at least 2 nodes below soiland above
45 degree cut on stem
goon clean cuts on stem
then roll in rooting hormon
cut from bottom of plant