Cloning method


Active Member
Okay, so I know people have success with all different types of cloning methods, but I am having one heck of a time deciding which one I should try first. First I thought I'd just use soil or rapid rooters, then I started reading more about bubble cloners. It seems like the bubble cloners get faster rooting and healthier clones and are less work. I want to try air layering too (mostly just to try it once out of curiosity), but I am going to hold off on that until I have larger established mothers.

Sooo...could people who have tried soil/rapid rooters and bubble cloners chime in on which they feel is most effective and why? I only want to take 2 clones from each plant (in case one dies) to establish a mother from each. The strains are Satori, Hashberry, and Mandala #1 grown in soil.

Thanks for you help! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is my first round of cloning (though a little staggered)

First cutting (with rooting powder) was put into a cup of water for a few weeks. Nothing happened.

About that time I got some rockwool and took 6 more cuttings. Put 5 of these 6 (with rootech gel) into the 'wool and sitting on/in bubbler. The first one was trimmed down and also added to the bubbler. That last one was dipped in rootech and stuffed into soil.

Fast forward a couple of weeks (or at least felt like) I planted all in the bubbler but one (still in there) That very first one looked *bad* mold, sickly, etc. I pinched off the top set it in the room and let it go, along with the others. That sickly one is doing *well* as is the one I stuffed into soil. One died, another about to die and the last is on the fence.

I also have a cutting rooting in a dome in 'wool but not in the bubbler.

So I'd say just try a few different methods and see what works best for ya.

(I have condemned the plant I took the cuttings from, to being a baby factory. Shes a bit too big for my room to try to flower her. I'll be taking 4 more cuttings tomorrow.)


Active Member
Thanks BBB (I can't type your name without laughing, sorry! :D)

I made a bubble cloner and tomorrow am going to try one clone from each plant in rapid rooters and one clone from each in the bubble cloner. We'll see how it goes. *Fingers crossed.*


Active Member
Just an update. I took 2 clones from each of 5 plants. I then started 1 clone from each plant in a DIY bubble cloner and one clone from each in Rapid Rooters under a humidity dome on 4/9 (I couldn't wait - LOL).

Bubble Cloner: 4/5 rooted between 8 and 10 days. I think this might have happened a bit faster if the water was a little cooler. A couple times I checked the water was around 80 degrees. I tried to cool it down whenever I saw this, but I couldn't control it all the time. For the next batch, I'm going to rearrange the room to try and keep the water a tad cooler. It's just too crowded right now though.

Rapid Rooters: 5/5 rooted between 9 and 12 days.

Now, the clone that has not rooted in the bubble cloner and the clone that took the longest in the Rapid Rooters were from the same plant. A problem child apparently. It doesn't matter though, I'm 95% certain it is male. I'm giving it a couple more days to be certain, but it looks like it will be chopped and clones trashed anyway.

Overall, both the clones in the bubble cloner and those in the Rapid Rooters looked really good throughout the process. The Rapid Rooter clones looked a tad wilted the first day but perked up quickly. I would say both options are really easy for a newbie like myself.
In the future, I'm going to use the bubble cloner though. One reason is it doesn't require replacement rooter plugs that I have no choice but to purchase online. Two, it takes up less space. Three, I can definitively see whether roots have started or not instead of waiting for them to push through the plugs or risk damaging roots by tugging on them. (I am not particularly patient and hate not knowing for sure.) Four, I don't have to mist them a couple times a day.

Anyway, those were my results if anyone is interested. :)