cloning problems im having....


this was my second attempt at taking clones off my plants.
i have a heated propagator, and a grow table with 2x24w full spectrum (6400 kelvin) flourescent bulbs
this was them 24 hours after cloning

and then today at 48 hours

i had cut them on the angle and had used the root riot/clonex kit

and had sprayed them and the lid with tepid water only.

the room temp was 81 degrees, was this to hot to have the heated propagator switched on? or could there be another reason as my first attempt suffered the same fate.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that the cuttings aren't making sufficient contact with the peat, causing them to wilt, because they can't take in enough water. When you insert the cuttings into those pellets, give them a little squeeze, so that the peat is tight against the cutting. That should help. Also, sorry to say, but many of those won't make it. They look to be wilted beyond the point of no :)


their all dead and are now in my compost bin, ive got a few more cuttings done and im trying them with the heat pad off.


Well-Known Member
ive heard crappy things about heat pads and how they kill so many clones and seedlings.... i think you will have better luck this time broseph... good luck


I'm just a newbie, so feel free to disregard but I cut my clones larger leaves in half, just leaving the tops intact. I heard that forces them to root faster. The clipped leaves will turn yellow, which is the plant stealing the nuts from them to supply the tops. I only trim the brown edges of the dying leaves after that. I also use a 1/2 tsp of Hydrogen peroxide in the water that I soak the pucks in.


Well-Known Member
Pull the heat mat. Those plants are under heat stress. On your next try, buy a bottle of Wilt Pruf. It's a spray that puts a waxy layer on the cuttings, which helps them retain moisture, and fights heat stress. I use a clone machine, but when I transplant them to the hydroton, I spray my rooted clones with Wilt Proof, and they can go right under my 1000's, set up high of course.