Cloning question? Areo to DWC?

Okey so just a few questions, I'm going to be starting my grow soon, I have to start with seeds but that doesn't mean I can't use clones as we'll, I'm going to be growing clones outdoors I know that for sure due to the number of plants that are going to be grown by my crew,
indoors I'm going to have DWC tubs setup for a perpetual harvest crop, besides that fact I'm wondering if I Shuld use clones or seeds for my indoor grow, I was considering just growing all the seeds and picking the best moms and cloning them to get my indoor plants and outdoor plants, which brings me to my next question,
when cloning would you recommend or say it is okey to use a areoponic cloner then from the areoponic cloner to the DWC system or would this cause any issues,
iv grown many times in soil and outdoors manly from seed to harvest tho, I also done about 5 grows using DWC, but never areoponics which always intrigued me,

I realize the seed and clone is more of an opinion factor whatever I feel comfortable with and so on and so forth, but being I'm doing a perpetual grow I'll have to use clones indoors which is no issue and outdoors I want to use clones due to the massive number of plants being grown, so it leaves one question to be answered
Is it okey to go from areo cloner to DWC system and keep a healthy plant

It's not as confusing as I'm putting it but I am stressing about getting redy for the 2016 season, I want to grow my moms for over 2 mths then clone the shit out of them for both my indoor and outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, cloning is better than growing from seed, that is, until you want to change strains. But there is nothing wrong with growing from seed either, it is just slower (for me anyways).

I clone with a fogger and then go straight into the soil after and I have a very high success rate. In fact, I throw away more clones than I grow due to space issues.

Once your clones root and they are healthy and strong in your areoponic set up, you can transfer them into any other medium.


Well-Known Member
a bird the in the hand is better than in the bush ...

use the clones now and catchup later with seeds in the early spring

by then you may have other options

like cloning from clones
In my opinion, cloning is better than growing from seed, that is, until you want to change strains. But there is nothing wrong with growing from seed either, it is just slower (for me anyways).

I clone with a fogger and then go straight into the soil after and I have a very high success rate. In fact, I throw away more clones than I grow due to space issues.

Once your clones root and they are healthy and strong in your areoponic set up, you can transfer them into any other medium.
This answers my question right there, from my areoponic cloner i can grow the clone in any grow medium! Thanks kulong! Also vostok, and dumme for the replys!!

Iv been doing some research today and figured i may just do a soil perpetual grow, useing only 5 plants and growing them in monster pots for a lb a plant or less from the artical iv just read, by useing a very simple setup and plan this guy made each plan yeild just under a pound from each plant indoor and was able to harvest a plant every month,
Or i could do as i planned and so the dwc systems and grow plants at a smaller scale for a sog style grow and do the prepetual grow this way,
But for now i think im going to get my strains which will be
Dinafem blue widow and big bang
Dinafem manily for the indoor grow and the bigbang for the outdoor grow but i will be growing each strain both in and outdoors,
The grow room will be ready soon, its being cleaned out now for a full grow area of 20ft long and 12ft wide, the flowering room will be 8'x12' the veg/cloner/mom room will be 12'x12' the flowering room will have 2x 600 watt grow lights with xxl grow light hoods that are 27"x32" with 8" fan attachment to grow light, each 600watt light can easily cover 5'x5' of space, the other room will have 1x600watt for the veg plants, 1x 400 watt for the mom plants also to add more lumen output for the veg plants, the 600 watt and 400watt will work together for the veg and mom plants, then the clones will be in their clone chamber in a closet space that will have 2x 4' t5 fluros and cfls with both a inline fan and exhaust fan both setup and running 24/7 for the clones and the lights running 24hours a day, the veg and moms will run for 18/6 hours a day with both inline and exhaust setup for room and seprate exhaust for the grow lights intow the living space during the winter and outside during the summer, the grow room will exhaust into the attic space, the inline air will come from outside and have a air scrubber attached to clean the air thats put into the room, but not cleaned when being exhausted, fans will be setup to move air around, their will be no co2 setup, no air conditionair, no dehumidyer, no burners nothing if all goes well and planned i would like to only do this type of setup using those lights and fans and useing soil as a medium to grow in and to feed with a schedule that i pick (didnt choose yet)
So how does this sound to you, what should i do, starting off grow the momscut the clones and grow the monster plants with a 5 plant prepetual grow to max my yeild or should i use the DWC systems and so small plants but planty of plants, more work involved with hydroponics and also the worry of roots tangling, the whole tote becoming fuckt up on me, so i may do soil first and if im pleased or want something else ill do a DWC and more advanced
Id like to do soil, get back into growing indoors since its been about 3 years, then move onto hydroponics, them hopefully areoponics, but firstly its the 2016 season i need to worry of, i need 50 clones max for outdoors by april and i need a prepetual grow started and growing asap