Cloning Question


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm pretty new to all of this stuff. The first time I smoked was two weeks before this past Christmas....... I Love It!

Anway, I'll be moving away from my supply, and I'm not sure how easy it will be to get some at home. So I want to grow. I plan on an indoor stealth grow, because I'll be at my parents house. I don't have much room at all, I want a plant that's about a foot high at the tallest. I think I'll tie them down, but I was also wondering if I could top them and use the tops as clones. I still have to figure out where I'll grow them, but I have a deep closet, two crawl spaces, a garage attic and the house attic.

In case anybody was wondering, the house attic is more of a crawl space with a 6' high area above the second story, so it should be safe. I could also vent through the roof vents that way. Whatever I do, I don't think I'll grow until I have a good safe setup.


Well-Known Member
topping is great. its the only way i prefer. you will get lots of main cola's instead of one.. i have a plant i have topped in 6 different places, it has vegged for 3 months so far, its a super bush, i almost dont want to flower it... HAHA

tying the branches down works well with topping too...

i would pick the crawlspace or deep closet myself. the attic would work too but i would worry about the heat print it could create, thats just me though. the crawlspace may have moisture problems though, but would be super cool in the summer. and easy to heat in the winter...

good luck! smoking your own is great!


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the recomendations Pimp.

But does anybody know if I can use the tops as clones?


Well-Known Member
i hear the bottoms have more rooting ability, but lots of people do it with tops.

just give it lots of cloning love and care.

btw how are you cloning and are you any good at it?


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't have anything going yet. And I probably won't for a little while (at least a month). I'm just doing my research, reading threads, asking questions etc.

I have cloned other plants (jade, ivy, etc), so I don't think this will be too much more difficult... but we'll see, those other plants are very resilient.


Well-Known Member
so is mj. its a weed afterall. i too have been doing lots of time with house plants and i'm about to be a full time gardener this year.

most of your technique can carry over. i have learned a few things for sure. i have never messed around much with nutrients. i will surely incorporate them into my garden this year, they are amazing.

out of mayb 22 clones i have taken only 12 have lived. i dont have a cloner. i'm trying to do things with just me. the first set i took, i used only water. about 1/2 of these grew roots. it took a super long time, as they say wiht water, like 3 weeks. the next batch i used hormone, faster but not better ratio. i think though my biggest problem was temperature control. it was changing seasons to colder weather during my cloning, i have found the hardest part is keeping a consitant enviroment. escipally when it is changing....

i also had 98% good luck with seeds in the warmer months, now that it is cooler, i have a whooping 0%. its the temps though, its not like i can just grow this stuff in the middle of my house wiht the best conditions. i would suggest putting the most into the enviroment. dont let me bring you down though, many people can do it, and i have proved it too myself too. different setup bring different situtions.

your doing hte right thing by planning.

check out my grow if you get a chance. there are some quite moments but you could get a few good points out of it. i feel i went from rags to riches. it was my first.


Green Thumb of God
Yes you can clone the tops. It usually takes a day or two longer to root. Use a good propogator and a heating pad and you should have no issues with low success rate.


Well-Known Member
what would you recommend as a propogator? do these things work for seeds?

i just recently picked up a heating pad, it looks like i'm half way there...

Yes you can clone the tops. It usually takes a day or two longer to root. Use a good propogator and a heating pad and you should have no issues with low success rate.


Well-Known Member
just get yourself some small rubbermaid containers, the ones i use are 3 1/2 x 12 x 7. just grab one of the lids, put it on one of the containers. then turn it upside down and put it on top of the other container ( its hard to find the ones that fit together this way, but they work perfectly ) cut out some holes for the clones to go in, i can fit 10 in mine. Slap an air stone in there, some water, and some clones. Bees using it for about a year and have not failed yet. I do use a root powder, never tried without it ( aint broke aint gonna fix it ) roots show in 6 days, ready for transplant into whatever system u got in 10.

And u also mentioned cloning the tops, i just grew 15 plants. Cloned all the tops. Put the clones into flower and they exploded with growth almost immediately. So far 3 boys, males usually show first. All the plants i took the tops from i then tied down. They been vegging for about a month and a half and none of them have any less than 10 tops, the most being almost 20. The only part that sucks is kiling the males that you envisioned buds on the whole time you were training it. Pick the 2 best females and use your little cloner again to take some clones every however often you can. Just stick em in soda bottles with holes in the bottom, then put the soda bottles in cat litter trays. U can fit 12 in a tray. Directly into flower after they take root. They will stay relatively small depending on your strain. And if they get too tall, bend the top over and hold it with some garbage bag ties