cloning question


Active Member
i am wondering if i take clones of a female plant grown indoors and plant the clones outdoor will the clones still grow to be as big as if i started from seed. this is for future references only...


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you root and establish the plant inside then plant it out at the right time it should do just as well or better.


Active Member
I think as long as you root and establish the plant inside then plant it out at the right time it should do just as well or better.
you could but just make sure you start them in rock wool just to be safe each soil is different some soils soak up water and other types of soil like clay soil don't absorb water as well.


Well-Known Member
Clones share the exact genetic makeup of the plant they're taken from.

Therefore if a plant from seed grows to 5 ft tall and then won't grow taller (because that is the height it can genetically grow to), a clone taken from that plant will also grow to 5 ft tall because it shares the exact same genetic makeup. The only thing that will change this is environmental factors. Some strains don't like growing outdoors depending on where in the world you live. (E.g same places might be too cold or too hot for that particular strain etc.)

If you start the clone indoors, you will probably need to 'harden it off' when you first move it outside as it won't be used to the cold/wind/rain etc. But once again, depends where in the world you live and the outside conditions compared to your indoor conditions.



Active Member
a seed plant has the ability to yeild better than a clone of the same strain. but ability does not mean for sure. it has to be along with proper techniques. also ideal conditions. I took 2 trainwreck last year as a from clone one from seed , vegged both for 4 months in 10 gallon container. put them side by side in one of my best outdoor spots. Stalk on seed plant at finish was 4 1/2 inches diameter with a total yield of 23 ounces. Stalk on clone plant was 3 inches diameter and it yeilded just under a lb. I fed both on the same schedule. so this confirmed to me anyways what i always knew, a seed plant has the ABILITY to yield more than a cutting,