CLONING the Auto Flowering Plant


Active Member
Hello to all.
Question to the general population out there... Does anyone know anything about cloning auto flowering plants? It looks as if many of the auto flowering plants fit right into the niche market for Early fruiters, as well as SOG. BUt how Cloneable are they? Is there a problem with cloning because of the relatively non-existent vegitative phase? Can these plants be cloned once they begin flowering? Or are they more of a "plant a seed and watch them grow, then breed the best looking male to the best looking female" kind of plant? I'm sure someone out there knows or has personal experience with this matter. Thanks everyone,
Time to burn


Well-Known Member
You can clone them but its a waste of time, since their flowering period starts at 30 days no matter what your clone will be on the same timetable. You take it at 3 weeks, its going to still start flowering in a week even if its still clone sized.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of auto flowering plants. Can you explain this to me, or shoot me a link to a website, etc. Thats interesting.


Active Member
Barbwire- Auto flowering plants begin flowering based on time after germination as apposed to light cycle. in this manner seeds begin flowering as soon as 3 weeks after germination, even on a 24hr or 20/4hr light cycle. Some say the smoke is just as good, some don't. There are several hybrid producers out there, but I can't personally say what's what. I'm still fact finding myself. Google "Auto Flowering Cannabis" or "auto flowering Marijuana seeds" should put you on the right track.


Well-Known Member
i have a strain that flowers on its own and i have cloned it i got it as a clone from a friend who said it starts flowering on its own but i didn't believe him because he always bses but it does i was very suprized .. and even more suprized that i could clone it i only have one successfull clone from out of 3 stems i cut but last night i took 5 more cutting to try and clone in humidity tray on top of hot water heater with 2 flor tubes sitting on plastic lid normally works pretty well using rapid rooters and olivias cloning gel


Active Member
autoflowering is a trait from the family of cannabis ruderalis
breeders cross other strains with a ruderalis in order to get offspring that has this desirable trait (auto-flowering)
people want auto-flowering based on many different reasons such as space limitations/stealth or they want a plant that just grows without the hassle of switching the lights/buying a light timer, or they want thier weed faster, as it does not take as long to mature (if i recall correctly)


Well-Known Member
You can clone them but its a waste of time, since their flowering period starts at 30 days no matter what your clone will be on the same timetable. You take it at 3 weeks, its going to still start flowering in a week even if its still clone sized.

but itll still grow right? how bout gettin a clone from that then? i would guess youd end up with a really small plant along the way. sounds interesting to me.


Well-Known Member
essentially yes, but it would be a waste of time, your mother and your clone will harvest at the same time no matter what because they go into flower by age just like a kid hitting adolescence, its the time not the lighting periods.


Well-Known Member
Is there a problem with cloning because of the relatively non-existent vegitative phase? Can these plants be cloned once they begin flowering?
1) relatively non existent? Try absence of vegetative state. They go from seedling into a flowering state. There is no vegetative state.

2) No. If your clipping takes root you're just transplanting a piece of a plant that's ending its life cycle from what I understand. No point.

thanks for playing bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This thread is full of mis-information and basic up on autos before you post this shit please.....

Normal autos are not is being done to enable cloning on some autos such as the 100 day flash autos....

Forget cloning the 60day autos....get a male and a fem and make seeds.....


Well-Known Member
FACT: You cannot clone an Autoflower.

FACT: One of the reasons Autoflowers were engineered is, so that we wouldn't have to clone them.

FACT: No matter how much you want to clone an Autoflower, you cannot.


Well-Known Member
WITH AUTO-FLOWERS!!!(short ryders)

to do this successfully you must:
#1 fertilize with High Nitrogen, low Phosphorus, low Kalium/potassium --- this will promote veg growth and will encourage the plant to not flower
#2 turn your lights on 24/7 --- this will promote veg growth and will encourage the plant to not flower

this has been done and will be done again... by me. believe it or not i managed to halt flowering once they showed their sex. I did that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I then took clippings and made a few clones.

But really i think autos aren't all that great for the price, nor time, nor yield... seriously with a regular plant you can get massive returns. something like KAYA GOLD the 15 footer giant.


Well-Known Member
WITH AUTO-FLOWERS!!!(short ryders)

to do this successfully you must:
#1 fertilize with High Nitrogen, low Phosphorus, low Kalium/potassium --- this will promote veg growth and will encourage the plant to not flower
#2 turn your lights on 24/7 --- this will promote veg growth and will encourage the plant to not flower

this has been done and will be done again... by me. believe it or not i managed to halt flowering once they showed their sex. I did that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I then took clippings and made a few clones.

But really i think autos aren't all that great for the price, nor time, nor yield... seriously with a regular plant you can get massive returns. something like KAYA GOLD the 15 footer giant.
No you didn't.

No you can't.

Stop spreading mis-information.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah KuLong tell him what's up. Anyone thinking about taking dirtysnowball's advise should think again. I've grown 2 auto's and read up on many more. Like someone else on here said, it's the time not the lighting. They will still flower under 24/7!! I personally like 20/4 though. Plant seed directly into the final pot, preferably 5 gal., although I grew one just fine in a party cup. DO NOT stress it out, including cutting for cloning. LST is fine though, had good experience with that. I think my journals are still up, haven't been on in a while. Feel free to check them out


Well-Known Member
Hey Napa! I have been looking around for you. I just came back and started Round 2 of The Cage Match.

Pop in and don't be a stranger. We are currently talking about LST'in Autoflowers. ;)