Cloning with fogger


Has anyone done cloning with a fogger? I am currenty using a bubbleponic cloner,and i am happy with the results. But I was enjoying a bit of previous grow and thought ,why not clone using a fogger? does it work? Is there any information on it


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've got one running. Buy a single head fogger per every 2 cubic feet you plan to have in your root zone. For instance, I have 2 single head foggers from in a 12"x24"x8" cloner box, one on either end. Depending on your local climate, find a on/off schedule that will keep the root zone around 85 deg F. Keep the ambient temp around the leaves around 75-80 deg F. Take cuttings that allow you to keep 3 leaf sets on top and about 3-4 inches of stem in the fog and you should be seeing roots in 4-5 days.


Well-Known Member
Nutramists work, but they are f*&kin expensive. They actually utilize the exact same triple head fogger you can get from for 89.99, a computer fan and some tube. All you gotta do is buy a single head fogger from mainlandmart for 24.99 (per 2 cubic feet...ish of reservoir) put it in the same tub as the cuttings, and run it. I run mine nonstop and it maintains about 85 deg rootzone and the 92w T5 keeps the ambient temp around 77. Just saved you about $340. I also have a triple head fogger in another bucket with a computer fan intake that distributes fog through 1/2" ID hydro tube to the air gap zones in my dwc buckets. Works like a charm. Don't wast money, DIY! Unless you got money, then order a nutramist and save yourself some time of getting your DIY fogger dialed. That's about the only thing that takes any effort.