

Well-Known Member
i was wondering can you root clones by just sticking them in soil and putting a dome on top for humidity, cuz i dont want to spend lots on stuff to clone with.
or can nayone suggest some easy ways of cloning.
+ rep for anyone who gives good advice.


Well-Known Member
use lite potting soil and get some rooting powder or gel. the powder is the cheapest option and a fresh razor blade. and yes things will come together for you but may take a little longer to root than some other methods.

growem green--------------spike.


Well-Known Member
There are alot of good videos on you tube that show the growers not even using a dome.I bought all of my equipment.I basically just got better with time.Check out Subcool,s threads hes a master.When i started cloning my survival rate was low but over time it gets easier and you dont tend to overdo it.Worrying about them makes you fuck with them more therefore they die more often.I use Rapid Rooters but some people use perlite.Its like i said every time you do it you will get better at it.Clone a shitload of males and after they root KILL THEM.Watch some vids and gain some confidence they will start living.PEACE


Well-Known Member
I use soil to clone so check out my journal on the db shuffle cloning method.Way simple and didn't lose one plant.I do use a rockwool cube in the soil and then just water the cube once a day for 1 week then every other day the next week.After that they're taking off and growing like mad.I leave them in the small cups for a couple weeks then trans to bigger pots for the rest of the veg pretty nicely and no crazy gear to my journal is in my signiture


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i was wondering can you root clones by just sticking them in soil and putting a dome on top for humidity, cuz i dont want to spend lots on stuff to clone with.
or can nayone suggest some easy ways of cloning.
+ rep for anyone who gives good advice.
wow and it only cost like 20 buck for every thing. but yes you still have to use a rooting compound and don'tuse a soil with ant it. goodluck. heres my link to how i clone. permalink:bigjoint:


Active Member
You can start clones in soil but no matter the medium you'll need a root stimulator of some kind; I got a container of Wilson's root stimulator gel for $5 at Canadian Tire.

What I do for cloning is put some rooting gel in a shot glass so the stems don't go in the main container, then I take a fresh razor blade that hasn't been used for anything and cut the small branches that I'm going to clone at 45* angle, some people recommend cutting little slits in the side of the stems near the bottom so that there are more sites for roots to grow, personally I don't bother with that. I always take small branches from higher up on the plant because they have more of the mobile elements of fertilizers in them so they will grow easier. You can try taking a couple from lower branches that you prune just before the start of flowering to see the difference if you want.
Then I stick em in 1.5 inch rockwool cubes that I've pre-soaked with Hygrozyme and water; since you're using soil you might want to try pre watering it with an enzyme formula of some kind. After about 2 weeks under the humidity dome I'll transplant them into pots and start them on 1/4 strength veg nutes.
Make sure you take more clones than you want because you're going to lose some; and if you're growing from seed and could have some males, make sure you label each clone to the corrseponding plant that it came from, no point in having male clones.
And definitely look around at how different people clone and take the parts that seem best to you.

Good luck.