

Active Member
I was wonderin if there are any good guides on cloning?
i searched but couldn;t find one. help me out?


Well-Known Member
Here's your guide.

There's a billion ways to clone, great. The biggest ingredient to all of them is patience.

2 weeks before you're going to start flowering (so like, week 2 or 3 of vegetation), start feeding only regular water to your plants so that it flushes the nutrients out of them.
Then a week after that has been going on, cut at the base of the area where you want the clone from, use a new razor blade (cheap) and then stick the cutting into water, completely under water, and make another cut on it's stem at a 45 degree angle. Once you take the cutting out of the water, pop it into some moist soil, pack it down a little so it stays put, and walk the FUCK AWAY for 3 weeks. Leave them the fuck alone, don't mist them.. just keep making sure that you spray the soil a few times every couple of days to keep it moist, not wet, moist... if it's wet, the roots won't need to get bigger because they already have TONS of water.. keep it moist, and let it even get a bit close to dry, and the roots will have to get bigger. 3 weeks after I tried this technique (however I made my 2nd cutting on the stem underwater in rooting hormone treated water (if you do the same, do not submerge the entire plant, just a half inch of the base) I had clones with a bunch of roots! I have since transplanted them and they are happy :) OH! Good idea tho here mate... listen close.. I know this sounds like a bit of commitment but, come on, think of the end game... go ahead and take the cuttings and place them into the soil that you want to grow them in for the rest of their life... so like, say, a 5 gallon bucket full of the soil you prefer... I did a soilless mix like 1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Peat Moss, 1/3 Perlite (maybe 1/2 perlite) but now I am trying Miracle Gro potting soil with slow-release fertilizers (yes I am so very aware of how much this could fuck me, but it's worth it to me and I want to take the chance, I've heard it has properly fed plants for up until 5 weeks into flowering :o

Ok I'm done here