Close all the Threads

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Well-Known Member
So, petty power breed petty tyrants.

Most of the Moderators I have no angst, at all. Even sunni. :)

But, some seem to be up on high horse and heavy handed. know some can't even respond to a general request to let us see the thread is closed with little capper comment. Cowardly and high handed.

I know at least one moderator that will have the common courtesy do that. And he is a cut above for it. But, one fellow at least will turn defensive. How sick is a defensive Moderator?

But, to have that met with smarmy, sarcastic, multiple "questions" about should he ask permission??? is just mean spirited and on some other agenda than RIU moderation.

It means he carries a grudge around, perhaps? Whatever. I didn't say anything to close that thread. But, I was OP. I came back to type and I did and it was closed.

A simple open request to improve the RIU experience is that offensive, that passive-aggression is called for? He could have said nothing.

I didn't even know who did close the thread. And if he wanted to hide that why did he come back to harass me? Weird.

NO. Don't be tyrant with agenda. Be an RIU moderator. Please.


Well-Known Member
Doer, the problem is, you're a twat waffle and nobody likes you. This is actually a cannabis growing forum, not congress, don't expect too much political correctness from the mods.
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