Closed Eye Visuals


A divine intervention by unearthly terms I must say :)
tis was needed.... they wouldnt listen to the man. At one point my oldest lil bro told me, "you've never said it like this", and I replied with, No, you've never listened like this before" .... that was pretty much the motif of the night... making them listen to an older and slightly wiser person that actually cares about them..... Good times with family bro.


Well-Known Member
tis was needed.... they wouldnt listen to the man. At one point my oldest lil bro told me, "you've never said it like this", and I replied with, No, you've never listened like this before" .... that was pretty much the motif of the night... making them listen to an older and slightly wiser person that actually cares about them..... Good times with family bro.
A good word ain't shit if it doesn't have the proper ear listening... every word was spoken like a true gentleman in that situation!

LSD was the perfect outlet to let those unkindle feelings manifest themselves!


I've done shrooms once, which gave me some good closed and open eye visuals, lights were brighter, i remember somebody's eyes looked like shiny black mirrors...

Salvia, I've had about 6 good experiences with, all using either 10x-20x.. and well, the first time, everything went tunnel vision, and then everything seemed to lose color and turn into crystal, and then I flew forward seemingly through time and space... only nervous I was going to swallow my tongue...

more recently, almost had a good experience with it, but a friend got skeptical too quick, and started talking and it snapped me out, I started hearing him, and pulled myself out of it in anger... because I had lost grasp of the trip when he started saying shit... grr im angry all over again lol...

but yeah, I'm seeing salvia can be fun, and intense, you want visuals? this will change everything.... from where you are, to who you are, to what you see...

I want to try DMT, after reading about it on here... sounds great.... and I'm getting acid within a day or two... so will be able to let ya know there too...


Well-Known Member
I would say out of DMT, acid and salvia, DMT is the easiest to handle for the majority of people, likely because its not a foreign substance to the body.


Active Member
And I would be willing to try salvia in pure leaf form and quids and such, I've heard the effect is quite different than a strong standardized extract which is really the only salvia I have ever experienced (30x bought from a smoke shop). I'd also like to try some of the tinctures, I read an experience once somewhere (probably erowid) that sounded really cool. But it seems like reactions to it vary almost abnormally widely.