Closet CFL grow on the low (Attempt #2)


My first attempt was an utter failure. Lost 8 seeds for dumb reasons. I fussed too much over the plants, but now I think I'm over the new mother phase. I over watered. I also fried the plants with heat. This time things are different. I switched my light configuration. I'm going to keep the plants in small cups for a few weeks before transplanting them. This time I have a The Doctor seed (feminized) and a Kandy Kush seed (regular).

Here's what the new set up looks like. The lights are turned on their sides instead of hanging straight down. 2x 105 watt 6500k CFLs with a home made aluminum foil reflector with holes in the top for ventilation. With two small fans blowing at each other at plant level.
The Doctor is in the far cup. It only took 24 hours for the seeds to germinate with the paper towel method. 100% success rate with that method as of now.
The Kandy Kush is in the near cup. The seedlings broke ground just a couple of days after being planted.
A close up of the lights.

I planted them on 7/25, so they're just over a week old. These pictures are a couple of days old, but there has only been a little growth of the second leaf set so far. I'm converting a PA speaker cabinet into a small grow box while these grow for a while. Going to take clones from The Doctor most likely and clone inside the box while these plants flower. Will then attempt to keep it fairly perpetual. Have 3x 105 watt 2700k bulbs for flowering, will switch with the lights hanging now and then put those lights in the box.


Active Member
Sup dude you got the light spectrum`s mixed up its`s 2700 k for flowering and 6500 k or the blue full spectrum bulbs for vegging . The blue mimics the spring and summertime daylight making the plant veg faster under this light and the orange/red 2700 k is for flowering this mimics wintertime/fall sunlight . Yeh change those 2700 k to two 6500k and you`ll see a major difference .


I actually have them correct in my set up, I just labeled them wrong here. Thanks for pointing it out, I fixed it.


Active Member
Okay no problem looked at it now can see they are the full spec . Nice little setup and some good genetics i been using only 120 watts and got them into flower and everything , so you should do good you got nice equipment for a few plants .


They're now about 13 days old and looking real good. The Kandy Kush has real broad leaves, but the Doctor looks more sativa with its thin leaves. I hope it smokes like a sativa.

Kandy Kush

The Doctor


Active Member
Indica 80 / Sativa 20
Origins - Great White Shark x South Indian x Super SKunk
Flowering - 56 days
Harvest - Early September
^That`s the genetic make up of this strain if it`s the greenhouse seed company`s The Doctor strain . It seems like a potent mix of genetics , the true leaves look a little small still too tell weather it`s indica or sativa dominant yet . People end up with all kinds of looking plants so you could still get a sativa dominant , just means you`ll have to flower it longer .


Tge first one is the Kandy Kush. Its first set of leaves have started turning yellow with dark spota. I'm not sure whats wrong with it.


This one is The Doctor. Its still looking very good so far.



Active Member
Turn the smaller fan the other way so that it is exhausting air instead of the plants being bombed by the converging air . I`m not sure if this will help or if it`s stunting plants but it seems like the logically thing to do . What are the temps under their ? . Plant some bagseed to test some other soil to see if that`s the problem , under 210 watts those things should be way bigger . Whats in the soil ? with them .
Try the fan thing to see if it lowers your temp peace .


Temperature usually stays around 80-85. I'll give the fan thing a try, that makes sense. And I thought they would be bigger too. The only thing mixed in the soil is some perlite. And I would plant some bag seed except I don't know where to get any. I don't smoke or buy mid, and I never get seeds in my sacks of good.


Came home to some dead leaves on the Kandy Kush. Probably a nute deficiency. So I started them both on nutes, some Miracle Grow kind that I got for my first grow. Started with just barely a pinch in the water. I also decided to go ahead and top the Kandy Kush. Will probably top the Doctor some time this week.

The Kandy Kush

The Doctor

Topped Kandy Kush

I also have acquired 2 of those Sterilite bins and plan to turn them into a grow box that I can stick these plants in. Will post pics of it when I finish.


Active Member
They don`t look old enough to need nutes yet they only need nutes at like 3-4 weeks and they about 12 days now so maybe give them some more time looks like the problem could be overwatering if so make sure the soil drys out between waterings . When they are seedlings they don`t need so much water though . Also the Kandy Kush was topped a little early we`ll see what happens though peace .:)


I water them by weight so I don't think its over watering. I started with like a tiny pinch, probably 1/8 normal strength for the nutes, I think it will help out a little. They already look a little more spry. As far as topping I've always heard you should start with the 3rd, 4th, or 5th leaf node, so that's what I did.


Today marks day number 20. I finally finished building my new grow box. Accidentally broke one of my 6500k bulbs moving things around so I stuck in one of my 2700k bulbs. Still 210 total watts. I think the plants will like it much better than my closet. The plants themselves are looking pretty good. No real marked growth because they are still recovering from being topped, but the Kandy Kush is starting to grow taller with a little more spacing between the nodes. The Doctor is still very tight, but looking good.

Outside of box.

Plants inside.

Lights and fan.


Let me preface by saying these pictures were taken outside of the grow box under a regular yellow fluorescent light and the plants are very much green and not yellow. New leaves are starting to grow at the stem. Stipules have also appeared. Plants are now 23 days old. In another week or so I will probably transfer them over to larger pots.

The Doctor, it looks to me like it's recovering from being topped.

The Doctor, you can see the new leaf growth.

Kandy Kush, a little droopy, I think I gave it a little too much water on accident. Should perk up in a day hopefully. It also looks like it is recover a little from being topped.

Kandy Kush, new leaf growth.

Kandy Kush, top view of what got topped.

I'm happy with the progress. They seem behind schedule compared to some peoples plants, but I'm working with limited funds and supplies and I'm liking how my plants are growing. I'm not going for giant award winning buds on this grow, I'm just looking for any buds, and a couple of clones. The plants have definitely started growing more since I put them in the grow box and started them on nutes.


27 days old today. Decided to start LSTing a bit. Both plants have recovered from being topped and are now growing their new double stems.

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush. The two new growths from the topping.

Kandy Kush. A better view of the growth.

The Doctor. You can see every node is starting its second set of leaves.

The Doctor.

The Doctor. New growth on this one too.


Plants are 30 days old now. I transplanted them to bigger pots and they really to seem to love it. Last night I saw the most growth in one night yet. My plan is to continue guiding the plants to the edge of the pots and then circle around to touch on the other side. At that point I will switch to 12/12, or when they start showing signs of preflowering, which ever comes first.

The Doctor

The Doctor

The Doctor

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush


Tomorrow marks 5 weeks, and despite my previous post I'm probably going to start flowering tomorrow. Growth has skyrocketed since transplanting.

The Doctor

The Doctor

The Doctor

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush


I've been busy building since the last update. I liked the sterilite grow box I built, but it was difficult to get inside of it and I knew there had to be a better way. I went and bought some plywood and built a small 2 chamber cabinet. It looks a little rough, but it works like a charm. Will have to do a few small tweeks, but overall it's finished and up and running. I also built a small DWC cloner with the intention of cloning and vegging for a short while with it in the veg chamber and then just transferring straight to the flowering chamber. My current plants are still in veg, but I'm about to take some cuttings from them to clone and then switch them to flowering after they recover. They've been growing fantastically.

The cabinet

Veg chamber

flowering chamber (plants not actually in flowering yet)

The Doctor

The Doctor

The Doctor

The Doctor

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Temps are a good 10 degrees lower in this box.

Cloner reservoir

Cloner lid
