Closet setup with LED UFO


Well-Known Member
First let me state I am pretty new to this. I'm thinking of doing a closet setup in a box that will be about 2x2x5H and I'm planning to put about 4 plants in it. Do you think 1 90w UFO would be sufficient? If so, are there different types of 90w UFO's to look for or are they all similar. I've been trying to do my research and I figured asking here would be a good step. Thanks in advance.

Also, do you think that one UFO would be sufficient through all stages of the plant?


Well-Known Member
Well LEDs generally don't really cut it when it comes to flowering, try and get hold of a HPS light for you're flowering period.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, I've been reading on some things and it shows that some of the better UFO's are just as capable in the flowering period, but I will obviously not turn down advice. If it is within my budget I will get both. Can anyone help me with some good locations to buy a LED UFO 90w? The illuminator UFO from prosourceworldwide is a little pricey for me.


Active Member
the best thing to look for with leds is the nanometers. 630 for the red is the best!!! ive done the research. i got a 90 watt ufo on ebay for $145. as far as yeild is concerned i doubt the 90 watter will give u alot of bud on those 4 plants. im using a 90 watt led per plant. however nothing bad can be said about and hps, try a 400 watt for ur space but get a hortilux bulb so u can veg and flower.


Well-Known Member
what is a lot to you? i was seeing pictures of people with 5 plants on their single 90w and it seemed to get a decent amount


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, I've been reading on some things and it shows that some of the better UFO's are just as capable in the flowering period, but I will obviously not turn down advice. If it is within my budget I will get both. Can anyone help me with some good locations to buy a LED UFO 90w? The illuminator UFO from prosourceworldwide is a little pricey for me.

Dont forget that these companies that make these claims want you to actually buy their product. They will tell you whatever you need to hear. Check the price, generally the Leds that work are MUCH more expensive than a comparable hps system.

If your worried about the heat of a 400-600w hps system, really dont. i finally made the move to a 400w system and the heat isnt much more than the 16 CFLs i was using. Spend the money on a GOOD, well independently reviewed, led system... or later on a new system.
Your closet has a similar dimensions to mine (mine's 20"x28"x70") and I've been in a similar debate. I am likely going to go with an hps/mh ballast so I can get the best of both worlds and save a little change. I was wondering if the space is actually big enough for 4 plants and if I should go 250w or 400w.. I know more light the better but I am concerned about the heat of a 400w and it being overkill for my space. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
400w really doesnt get that hot. its really not too insane. Your gonna need a few fans anyway for proper circulation and they will handle the cooling just fine as long as you dont live in phoenix.

make sure to get a reflector with glass and cooling options, that way you can hook up ducting and a fan to keep your lamp air seperate from your growing air


Active Member
I wish this post was around before I had spent a BUNCH of money on LED lights, thinking they would do the job that the HPS can do! Well, fom my experience, the LEDs are GREAT for vegging! One 90Watt light will be enough while the plants are small, but you will need atleast one more as they get bigger. Make sure to put a peice of Milar up on the inside of your closet door.

For blooming, I use the 90 Watt LEDs as supplimental lights around the outside and a 600 Watt HPS overhead. Seems to be working out great!

No, all LED light companies ARE NOT the same. The company I bought mine from is no longer in business and burnt me on my last order, although I found their lights to be made better/brighter than the other LEDs I've seen... so just be careful. is where I got them from. Good luck!