Club 600


Well-Known Member
No I did not. But it sounds like a yummy combination. I still have not tried the DOG or the Engineers Dream.

I have a whole new setup ready to be put to the test. Going to give it a try with a dutch bucket hydro system and hydroton. Helped a friend dial in his setup over the summer and he had some amazing results under 3 750's. I failed epically with the organics. So bad I did not take any pictures due to embarrassment. Looked like a sea of tiny bug infested Lollipops. lol Oh well, take the good with the bad.
Hang tight to that Dog, BB is out of stock at the moment. They have a BX1 though.

I don't think I'm going to make ISO anymore, and don't think I'll try BHO. It is a pain in the ass for me. I'm not really a doobie smoker. I like my pipes and with oil I always need something to put it on and it makes a mess. I also don't like the taste too much. Hash is much easier to deal with and tastes better to me. I think I need some bags and a nice hash pipe.


Well-Known Member
I just like smoking herb. Not a big fan of the concentrates. Who knows why I keep making so many different kinds.

Good to see some familiar old faces in here. It's like old times.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
190 proof Everclear makes a good tasting oil. I just used some to clean out some jars and to make oil from several small pieces of odds and ends and I smoke it on herb thru my bong or glass pipe. Thank you DST for re-starting oil making.
Does anyone have a good source for a well made beaker style bong that's reasonably priced?



Well-Known Member
I just like smoking herb. Not a big fan of the concentrates. Who knows why I keep making so many different kinds.

Good to see some familiar old faces in here. It's like old times.
It's because you're a glutton for punishment, LOL.

I like making the bubble ice stuff and the dry ice stuff the most because it is more versatile to use than the oils but I do also like putting a little oil on some bud now and then in a bowl. I have also enjoyed rolling a joint of ground up bud that's been rolled around in some warm oil. Complete ass kicker joints, hehe


Well-Known Member
The stuff I made using 100 0r 110 proof vodka turned out pretty nice the other day. I got it to a sticky kind of paste consistency and it works well for putting in a bowl with bud and in joints.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Any of your alchohols can be used with the higher content giving a cleaner taste. Everclear is available in a 150 and Bacardi rum in 151 as examples of the higher alcohol content.



Well-Known Member
Man you guys and mixing your hashes and your flowers. lol A good BHO you just want to dab onto a nice ti nail or pad, depending if your using a curve or dome setup. Use in a small rig to get maximum flavor. It makes a big difference. But really I do like taking some big rips of flower and oil from by MGW shower head to circ sometimes though. They are always lung grabbers :)


Well-Known Member
I had the Vodka sitting in the cupboard so figured I'd give it a shot. When it's gone I'll pick up some 151 for future batches.

I agree totally with using smaller rigs for oil. I like less diffusion too with it and I like to use this little bong I have with an oil attachment on it. It has a perk down stem but that's it so it works really well for me. I like using an ice catcher with oils too but it's not usually necessary


Well-Known Member
Indeed it does Trousers.
Does the DOG have headband in it?
Headband puts me to sleep in about 20 minutes, which is weird, because usually indicas do not put me to sleep.

Nice, I love chickens. I have two right now, the third died as a chick.
I have a barred rock and a brahma.

You got an easter egger, a cinnamon (?)

my rock puts out an egg a day, the brahma about 3-4 eggs a week


Well-Known Member
Heyyy! How bout I show off my young crazy bitch, Deep Psychosis from Breeders Boutique who happens to be having a half off sale on all their gear. Check out their site.

2012-09-30 19.15.48.jpg2012-09-30 19.16.21.jpg2012-09-30 19.16.01.jpg

Casey Jones. This was a freebie I got from BB some time ago.
2012-09-30 19.18.51.jpg2012-09-30 19.18.26.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys. I took a couple more that I put up in HC's thread so some will see it a second time. Sorry

One of two Strawberry Sour Diesel and the Supercropped knuckle on the other.
