Club 600

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi WESTY! :hug:im doing awesome, thanks, and I hope you and the family are well.
Hellz yeah I would lOVE them sc and I got plenty of treats for you too. what u want.
I would really like to get you some hash I got so much It would take me years to smoke. Quality stuff mate.done Frenchy style.
yeah im lookin to relocate to NY and they just told me my route might include AMSTERDAM! WHOO HOO
I never new there was both an Amsterdam and a Rotterdamn in Ny. but it sounds quite appealing . Great to hear from you matey!
amsterdam ny 001.JPG


Well-Known Member
It was really nice to see a perpetual garden up close. Make me rethink my entire way of growing. And he was using CFLs for veg.... I'm really feeling like I duped myself buying so much unneeded stuff over time
damn nice score on that 96 super sliver haze. You have one sweet connection there. Nothing rocks it like old school. jeez man your boy gots all the good ole shit. good luck with those.


Well-Known Member
I can't even describe all the shit I have bought, sold, rebought, resold over the years. I hope to NEVER flower in another damn grow tent as long as I live. Every time I have ever flowered in one, I have always realized I should have used something different. Hopefully never doing another outdoor in a carport either lol.


Well-Known Member
Hi WESTY! :hug:im doing awesome, thanks, and I hope you and the family are well.
Hellz yeah I would lOVE them sc and I got plenty of treats for you too. what u want.
I would really like to get you some hash I got so much It would take me years to smoke. Quality stuff mate.done Frenchy style.
yeah im lookin to relocate to NY and they just told me my route might include AMSTERDAM! WHOO HOO
I never new there was both an Amsterdam and a Rotterdamn in Ny. but it sounds quite appealing . Great to hear from you matey!
View attachment 3495693
Damn Amber that's my back yard!



Well-Known Member