Club 600


Well-Known Member
I think i have it right.. Its pretty powerfull for 250w or so it seems. Might just be me having to adjust to MHlights wich i dont think my eyes have ever seen before. Still flickering but not much i bet many people would not notice but im strange that way. Im behind on my cloning so best get to it. Appreciate the help :)
I guess if it's on and hasn't blown up then sounds like you have it sorted. Is it the gas inside the small internal cylinder that flickers....I think my MH use to do that as well....until i smashed it lol.


Well-Known Member
Here's the think about european electricity as far as I see it. Unlike USA or England plugs, the plugs can go into the outlets either way. So if you plug it in this way, the hot is on this side of the plug, if you flip it around, it's on the other side. Kinda like old USA plugs before they had grounds, bi directional I guess you would call it. So..... for like plugging in ballasts, if it buzzes weird, it's plugged in the wrong way, flip the plug over.

This helps nothing with your situation Hydro, because that's what's coming out of the ballast, not out of the wall. Like someone already said black is hot, which goes along with brown. White to blue. And some bulbs I've noticed just do that wierd pulsating thing.


Well-Known Member
Leistung: 250 Watt
Spannung: 230-240 Volt
Stromstärke: 3.1 Ampere
Lichtleistung: 16800 Lumen
Farbtemperatur: 5200 Kelvin

The light is a spanish cooltube and i just switched it out again. Its too short, i guess 20% of the light got thrown out the vent hole :/ So i took an old hood i had from my first grow the wires were black and blue so i put blue to blue and black to brown. Did not change anything tho :)
The ballast gets hot to 77c thats 10 more than my 600 lol. Bulb gets equally hot. Gonna be a long night of firemares.. Always are when connecting something new..
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curious old fart

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