Club 600


Well-Known Member
Morning folks, not a lot to say at the moment, "just finished my meusli", how about that, lol. Sun is shining, water and feed time at the zoo.

Laters, and peace to all.



Active Member
whodat...i know u chose red ass, but juss look at the round and voluptuous.....aaahhhh.....both r very very sexy though.... sorry but i only speak truth..the bubble on blue is effin crazy........sorry i mised the contest i know im wat effin late but damn yo the asses
Thats a lot like my blue cheese. i think i got about 300g from mine but i chopped at week 8 because it was an unplanned sativa. very fluffy bud, but dried well and if you gave the bud a little squeeze you would be sniffing your fingers all day lol.
i bet yours is a great smoke, at 8 weeks mine does the job but i would have liked to have seen its true potential. only had around 10 percent brown pistols and the buds didnt swell up. very speedy high though, really gets your heart racing. kinda enjoyed it so im trying the reveg her but i doubt it will work.

have to let us know how it smokes.

I think you made the right choice, but that might just be the inviting angle of the pic lol


Well-Known Member
Root Pr0n

Red Kush 7 days in the rooter :)

Oh man Bill, you know I'm liking this shot! Your gonna have to tell me how you shot it and what with.

Morning everyone. Just popping in to spend some time catching up on things before I head off to bed for a bit. Been smoking some of my Purp lately and also scored a new bong from a buddie, all I had to do was replace the busted inner stem. Ended up grabbing a whole new piece for 15 bucks and Bob's your uncle! Anyway, loaded a killer bowl, put on some tunes and went Hurricane (as in Reuben Carter) on the place, got stuff done I've been trying to get to for months and am now chilling while I bask in my accomplishment. Was it the strain? We'll just have to see but after my wife gets up in the morning, and it happens again, and she figures out it is the strain, then I could see her getting on the phone and placing the order for another batch of these seeds for me. Ha ha. Well gonna haul a good nighter, sit down at the display and see what your all up to.



Well-Known Member
just noticed i starting to get spider mites on my rhino 4 in a half weeks into flower any idea how to get rid if them fast can see the webs starting inbetween branches help appreciated
I spray with a neem oil mix to control spider mites.

2 teaspoons of neem oil in a gallon of water (not too cold: just barely chilly to the touch), with about a teaspoon of liquid dish soap ("Safer" brand soap works great if you can get it locally in a garden supply store or Wal-mart, Lowe's/Home Depot, etc., but Palmolive, or any liquid dish soap that isn't anti-bacterial will work just fine as a surfactant to help the neem oil coat the plant).

Once the ingredients are in the sprayer give it a good shaking to mix it all up and douche the plants from bottom to top starting with all of the undersides of the leaves, then the trunk, branches & stems, and then spray the top sides of all the leaves.

If you use a one gallon pump-sprayer like I do ($15 at a DIY store like Lowe's/Home Depot), make sure to adjust the nozzle to give a wide & gentle spray so you don't blast away your trichomes. ;-)

Make sure to not do it when the grow light is on (water spray on a hot bulb can cause catastrophic failure of the bulb, AND the water on the leaves can act as a magnifying glass and potentially cause burn spots on the leaves), or take them out of the grow area before spraying if the light has to be left on.
Let the plants dry off all the way, or at least let most of the water drip off and get mostly dry before putting them back under the grow light.

The next morning, all mites should be dead (unless you have some mites that are resistant to neem oil).
Other growers use different things out of need, due to tougher mites, but neem oil spray is the first line of defense.
I've never had to use anything stronger than neem oil, but I know that there are some toughened spider mites out there that require stronger remedies.

Do a follow-up douching 3 days later to kill new mites that hatched from the eggs, and again 3 or 4 days later to kill any more newly hatched mites.
Neem oil breaks down pretty quickly in light with UV rays in it, so it becomes inert in a day or two.

Stop spraying about a week from harvest, and there will be no residue left over.

If your grow area can take some moisture, I'd go a step further and spray the insides of your tent/grow box/closet/room with the neem oil mixture to kill any mites that are wandering around off of the plant, too.

And, once you have the pump sprayer, make sure to start spraying you plants at least once a week (every 4 days is even better) from now on to help make it as difficult as possible for spider mites to invade in the future.
It's a lot easier to do it that way, than to have to try and eradicate them once your plants are infested.

Hope it helps a bit, and good luck in your battle. :-)

(*if neem doesn't work, then you'll have to move up to pyrethrum, or azamax or some such)


Active Member
this is new to me. any 1000w magnetic ballast? anybody currently using this? id like to know if it really lights a 600 at full. probly my next buy. anyone know where to buy good not so expensive magnetic ballasts? i was going to go with lumatek till i saw someone post with the nasty burnouts. dont need that.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Wut up 6! It must be friday? lots of pr0n! Bill, the shot of the roots is amazingly detailed, no way my point and shoot can get pics like that! Well keep it up peeps, Im getting off my lazy ass and building some stuff for my veg :-) yeah its already 11:30 but whatevea! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Happy friday. We got about an inch of snow last night. Just enough to make everything white. I think it might be harvest time here. It's been 8 weeks 3 days in 12/12 and I just checked a sugar leaf for trichs. They were mostly cloudy. Maybe 5% clear and even fewer amber ones. I only saw about 4 or 5 amber trichs in the lot. If I remember what heads up said, he cuts right about now for sativa type plants. What you guys think? cut it down now?



Well-Known Member
Any kush I have done I have always let go into the 9th week. Me personally I would wait a few days. Peace, DST

EDIT: Sorry, they are looking nice though. Would love to see what's going on behind the tube.


Active Member
sorry to be a bore, but back on the topic of the sunpulse splitter. will it just run each lamp at a lower wattage? say 500w? or do the lamps perform just as well as if they were on a 600w ballast? also i found a video by monstergardens where they use the splitter with different bulbs and a electronic ballast to boot. but the sunpulse website " says" do not use other lamps besides theirs and only use a magnetic ballast. marketing ploy? that link you gave me for the magnetic ballast is the cheapest one ive come across. big thanx for that.