Clusters of Gnat larva in Res?!? PLZ HELP


Well-Known Member
I will be short hoping i will get quicker help ;) I have little clusters of what looks like larva. very very small little bugs that stay on the surface of the water. I believe they are Gnat larva just due to the fact that gnats are the only bugs i have had any issues with and they have to be coming from somewhere. Thank you very much for you help!!

Would SM-90 help?


you should totally flush out your res and put like soap or something in there fill it with water wash it 50 timesand u shouldnt have any more problems, unless they come back of course, then just repeat


Well-Known Member
I went with the SM-90 and it seems to be working like a charm. I had to stop using subculture though because i have heard you cant se the two together :(


Well-Known Member
1. drain water
2. Clean with a mixture of water/ bleach 80/20
3. wash it with normal water then
4. let it dry or dry yourself

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
either wash it yourself or there are plenty of pest control things you can buy at your local home and garden store or on


i wouldnt buy pest control simply cus your rootsm y absorbe it and it could get in ur plants, i wouldnt wanna smoke sm90 or gnat off or any repellnt for that matter, id use soap bro


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt buy pest control simply cus your rootsm y absorbe it and it could get in ur plants, i wouldnt wanna smoke sm90 or gnat off or any repellnt for that matter, id use soap bro

True That! The Sm90 doesnt seem to be working :(

I appriciate all the help but i cant wash out my res. It is acctually a stand alone DWC bucket. There is a netpot in the lid and the roots are hanging. They are doing fine and look healthy besides the little white clusters of bugs in the water.

What kind of soap would you recomend using? and could i flush with the soap. (dumb question prob)

Thanks again for all the help
