Co2 Help!


Active Member
we got evrything but co2.. do u need it?

we got a huge skunk #1 clone thats been growing in soil for a while..

and a white widow clone growing hydroponicly!

we got a good setup.. just no co2

i herd that the co2 will make ur budz crystally and dense.. like good dro

if i dont use co2 it wont be as potent


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Well-Known Member
C02 helps a lot!

Most growers experience 30-50% more growth with PPM (parts per million - way of measuring the amount of C02) of 1500.

A cheap easy way to make some C02 if you have an enclosed space and can go without venting it during the day is to take a bottle and put a couple tablespoons of yeast, 1/2 cup of sugar and a couple cups of water in it. This will slowly release C02 for about 6 days if u keep shaking it every day. Note it may overflow with foam so put something under it.


Well-Known Member
On average I believe you're get a 20-30% increase in weight using a properly regulated Co2 system. But then I've heard others say that it has very little if any effect. I built a dry ice rig a few grows ago, and I believe it did have a positive effect(colas directly under where my co2 was coming out of showed increased density and growth compared to colas that weren't.....but then again I've been to cheap and lazy to buy more dry ice for this grow. If you've got the time and money...go for definitely can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
When I put in a C02 tank with a tiny leak of gas going constantly 5 weeks into veg my plant shot off like a rocket. It was amazing. I had to give the tank back and am using yeats now during flowering.


Active Member
You say you have everything, but I'd like to double check it.
How much light do you have?

For the one clone that you have, and to utilize co2 properly, you'll need atleast a 400 watt light, if not more, like a 600. You see the plant has to be light saturated at ambient co2 levels, before you can think about adding more.

I have geown both ways, and you can do just fine without the additional co2, I would rather put my money into a good exhaust system, and fans to circulate the air.

You would be hard pressed to see an increase in yeild of 30%. Very hard pressed.

we got evrything but co2.. do u need it?

we got a huge skunk #1 clone thats been growing in soil for a while..

and a white widow clone growing hydroponicly!

we got a good setup.. just no co2

i herd that the co2 will make ur budz crystally and dense.. like good dro

if i dont use co2 it wont be as potent


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