co2 in small box w/ fans?


Active Member
i have a 2x2x3 foot box running. it has around a 100 cfm 120mm fan for exhaust in top back left of ceiling in box and around a ~40 cfm 80mm fan for intake on bottom right hand side of box. box also has a 4 inch fan on inside blowing heat around at top. this thing has good air movement inside the box, would it even be worth it for me to do any type of yeast diy co2? maybe try to put hoses coming off top of bottle running into canopy but will it have any benefit to it or would it all just be sucked out from the exhaust? exhaust feels to move as much air as a dryer vent.

any ideas? only 1 plant atm, bushy and wanting to be tall :) little over 3 weeks into flower.



Active Member
it would be evecuated too fast and also a yeast mixture you speak of is a gnats WET DREAM! I make wine and gnats are always a problem as our flies and many other pests.mj grows great with just light,water,and air.give it a chance you will like it :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Yep, your CO2 would be going right out. As long as your temps are below 80 (you can have higher temps if you have extra CO2) you might could do without the exhaust fan, or maybe put it on a timer. The downside is not having a controller to know what your ppm of CO2 is. Anything over 1600 is worse than not having any at all. Nice, healthy looking plant; I'd hate to see you mess it up at this point.


Active Member
thanks, good enough for me. cant turn the fans off since they are needed when the hps is on. they seem to be ok without, no need to change anything then. thanks for the help all