CO2 question...

Giddy up

Well-Known Member
I will be buying a CO2 burner and controller later this spring once the edge of the winter knocks off, but until then, my new room is running about 84 right now, and as it's brand new I haven't installed A/C yet and so I need CO2 stat! I will be building a sugar/water/yeast/tubing contraption, and my question is, do I need to remove said contraption at night when plants aren't photosynthesizing? The room is sealed and so I didn't want to be adding excessive CO2 that the plant can't use during dark time...


Well-Known Member
Not sure how big your room is butbif it is big enough for a burner then the contraption youll need to build for it will be quite big. Ive made beer... co2 given off from 5 gal carboys wont be enough...unless you use several...

Giddy up

Well-Known Member
Room is 160 ft3...using two 1 gallon jugs. 4 cups sugar, 2 Tbsp yeast each...was going back and forth between a burner or regulator plus canister, but I don't really have anywhere near me to get refills...I guess if my room would be considered too small for a burner then I could just purchase multiple canisters, I just don't know what size of tank would last how long etc

Anywho...back to the situation at hand, I would guess that if this thing doesn't make an adequate amount of CO2 to affect growth, then I suppose it wouldn't be great enough to affect the lights out O2 absorption either, so I'll just leave it in there until it stops bubbling and we'll see if it made a difference or not


Well-Known Member
Theres some calculars for how much sugar you have to forment over a certain time to make enough co2

But ur orig question, i wouldnt worry , wont hurt em just wont help em at night.

When i did 5 gal fermenter i put an old fish filter minus filter element in bucket and a aquarium heater, timed em to lights on... agitation amd increased temp equals more action... idk if it worked besides in theory as i didnt have a co2 monitor to provide evidence either way...

Giddy up

Well-Known Member main concern is that after a second look, my rooms are too small for burners...the Titan website's smallest burner states it is for a room of 100 ft2, I was thinking it was for 100 ft3...looks as though a regulator and a canister will be the way to go...

Two one gallon jugs wouldnt be enough for a closet...
I will tend to concur w you...I've seen more bubbles in tap water