

Well-Known Member
I got 2 plants going right now under a 150w hps have a 135w led comin by thr 16 was wondering since temps are steady 85 if o ahould add co2 one is about 8 days from breakin soil and the other one I just planted. I was gonna use a co2 bag good up to like 5 months or something


Well-Known Member
co2 for 2 plants is overkill plus if your room isnt sealed you would be wasting it. But like the dude who posted above me said.. Get your temperatures under control way too hot in there.


Well-Known Member
She seems to be lovi ng it I got a fan blowing over the top of her and im not 100% sure as I got a reptile thermomertor cheaoass one. Ilk be gwtf better one on the 20 with a carbon fikter and a fan. Build a small box around fan to make qhite.


Well-Known Member
no you need real co2 like a tank to handle temps up to 90. you really need to ventilate. you said you got a filter and fan coming? youll be alright as long as you duct the air to exhaust out of the cab