COB’s, Kessils and Chilled Logic


Active Member
I’ve been growing my own medical cannabis for ten years. My need is small, thus so is my grow. My flowering tent is only 2X2. I have a small veg tent too. I use a couple of 2ft 6400k t5’s for cloning. My methodology is essentially SOG. I have been using 3 Kessil H150 magenta’s since 2011. With that 108 watts, I’ve been able to consistently yield 1.5-2 ounces of THSeed’s MK-Ultra every nine weeks. One of my Kessils just blew a few LED’s. I looked into replacing it but they’re no longer being manufactured, so I’ve come up with a few options.

1. Purchase a Kessil H380 II and add it to the flowering tent along with my older units until those completely fail.

2. Purchase a COB or Chilled Logic fixture from Rapid LED. I’d probably use the three COB unit. The Chilled Logic only comes in a two light arrangement for a 2X2. I believe they’re a bit more efficient, which I find appealing.

Let me know your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard of those kessil's , they predate my interest in LED. But The chilLED pucks should be much more efficient than what you currently have. They are one of the most efficient lights available.

There are other options too. But I certainly wouldn't be paying over £300 for a 90w kessil.

What part of the world are you in?

I use Quantum boards which are similar tech and they work awesome. I Don't Imagine you would be anything but happy with COBs or ChilLED pucks.