Codeine Sucks


Well-Known Member
I think you would have been ok if you had taken something like promethazine with it. Opioids are my favorite I love the, itch


Well-Known Member
Most opioids cause histamine release. Codeine is the worst offender. People can die from injecting it because it causes such a strong reaction.


Well-Known Member
ohh I think i just creamed my pants reading the word tussonex
I just had some Tussionex. I drank a quarter of the tiniest bottle they can give you. It took like 2 hours to kick in but it felt like I was on 30mg of hydrocodone for 10 hours. Literally.

Tussionex is extended release hydrocodone but it doesn't seem to reduce its potency.


Well-Known Member
I used to live on DF118, which is a highly scheduled medicine, cleanest high ever.

The nausea thing you are feeling is what gets may heroine addicts caught up, you feel like shit when you whake up, but then as soon asyou dose again, you feel fine, starting a viscious circle.


Well-Known Member
I used to live on DF118, which is a highly scheduled medicine, cleanest high ever.

The nausea thing you are feeling is what gets may heroine addicts caught up, you feel like shit when you whake up, but then as soon asyou dose again, you feel fine, starting a viscious circle.
I can see why the vicious circle reinvents itself!

But does anyone see a highly nauseated state associated with codeine use? Moreso then any other opiate out in the market. I'll be sure to include a thread that I posted on another forum since I feel it has a strong connection to the fore a mentioned topic.