Coffee shop USA


Active Member
Hey guys, I know you all have canibus cafe USA but I was wondering if it would be possible to open up a coffee shop that has a similar theme without product being giving out for free to mm card holders. Anyways I want to move to Oregon and possibly open up a grow op for mm card holders. I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the laws and what it might take to do this.


Well-Known Member
Google Oregon Medical Marijuana program and check the Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 475 for the specific's of the law.


Active Member
That would be awesome if this bill passes. I wonder how competitive the market might get to open something up. Has anyone been to canibus cafe? If so how do they have so many people in there? I thought one person is allowed to give to only 4 patients?


That would be awesome if this bill passes. I wonder how competitive the market might get to open something up. Has anyone been to canibus cafe? If so how do they have so many people in there? I thought one person is allowed to give to only 4 patients?
There are more than a few places like that already open. But they are facing Federal pressure to some extent. Locals seem to be giving them a pass, but I would still expect a huge legal fight between the State and Fed if the measure passes. Until it gets addressed on the Federal level it's going to remain a dicey situation. Also, Oregon is facing the largest uphill battle of the 3 (WA, CO, OR) because they haven't raised any money in support of the measure. WA has raised 2 million and CO has raised 1 Million. Interesting times for sure...
Starbucks is my favorite coffee shop in USA . I love this shop very much , their coffee is amazing and they provide excellent coffee service to people. I am really impressed by their service and they are very friendly .
