Colorado & Washington pass marijuana legalizaiton


This is a HUGE step in the right diretion:

Three states voted on referendums Tuesday on legalizing marijuana for recreational use: Colorado passes marijuana legalization, but there's a catch
Colorado voters have approved a referendum that supports the legalization of marijuana on a recreational basis.

Amendment 64 in Colorado will amend the state constitution to legalize and regulate the production, possession, and distribution of marijuana for persons age 21 and older.
"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper said in a written statement released by his office. "This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don't break out the Cheetos or gold fish too quickly."
Similar provisions on marijuana use were also on the ballot in Oregon and Washington.
Washington voters say yes to recreational use of marijuana
Washington State voters on Tuesday cast their ballots in support of an unorthodox way of raising tax revenue: marijuana legalization. The measure, Initiative 502, will legalize and regulate the production, possession and distribution of cannabis for persons age 21 and older.
The Washington referendum called for a 25% tax rate imposed on the product three times: when the grower sells it to the processor, when the processor sells it to the retailer, and when the retailer sells it to the customer. It's not clear exactly how much tax revenue legalization would bring in. Estimates for the Washington measure run as high as $500 million - a figure analysts say is overstated.
Two other states, Colorado and Oregon, were also deciding whether to legalize marijuana.
Voters in three other states - Arkansas, Massachusetts and Montana – voted Tuesday on medical marijuana referendums.
Oregon says no to legalizing marijuana
Oregon voters soundly defeated an Election Day ballot initiative that would have allowed the commercial cultivation and sale of marijuana to adults. Measure 80 would have legalized pot through state-licensed stores, allowed unlicensed cultivation and use of marijuana by adults and prohibit restrictions on hemp.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
This is great! I know Proposal M passed in Detroit, i haven't read anything about Flint, Ypsi, and Grand Rapids yet (i just woke up...).


Active Member
we got cities all over doing the same right here in Obama's Michigan too don't forget.
dont forget decriminalization is different then legalization... weed has been decriminalized in the states that just legalized for a long time .. also unless obama does something to prevent the feds from fucking with CO and WA i see it as those two states just put a target on them , but will see what happens hope it goes the right way and not the wrong


Well-Known Member
Things are definetly changing..... Yesterday was history making and the anti MJ people are loosing.

Power to the people.


Well-Known Member
This is really great news! I'm interested to see what the administrations view is on all of this. Since it's Barry O's second term I'm cautiously optimistic.