Colors Inside The Bud?


Active Member
What is the brown colors near the stem?
Its very "Chewy" feeling like its resin coated.

The strain is GDP and its very dense.

Some of my nuggets I notices a brownish color, there is zero mold on the nuggets but the brown near the stem.


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
the purp turns of has a brown apearance when dry. if it was mold it wouild be a dusty and crumble when dry and touched
mold does begin at the stem as its sytemic. ther brown on outer if mold is now fully throughout the plant, thats the final stage to reproduce. same with pm


Active Member
So you don't see anything scary? Its my first plant I ever grew and so I'm unsure as a complete beginner.


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
hard to say from the pics. it looks ok. looks like the purp that turned brown after dry.....i cant touch it so does it crumble whenn you do...if so be carefull then, may be mold. looks kinda to uniform to be. usulay is in blothces or patches to be mold...should smell like shit to. musty or poopy. not the dank bud odour
if your finger or anything else can smash the bud easily and it just kinda falls apart. then you have mold, otherwise i would say it looks good

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt use those trems...smash???. any bud can be smashed good or not. kinda a stong way to say if you touch it it crumbles. no need to smash


Active Member
No in fact if you press it its "Dankie" resin coated and presses in like dank pot.. Iv just never looked inside a GDP and kind of weirded out.
No part falls apart.

What would I look for under a 100X microscope?


Well-Known Member
it kind of looks like mold to me. its in exactly the right place too where mold would usually spread. from the inside first.

but like people said above. if its dry and the brown parts are not crumbly. then its most probably not mold. you can never be to sure though. youl probably no by taste and smell.
smoke it. if its harsh and tastes different. then its probably mold.

other than that though, shit looks dank and crystaly :D

smoke up bro