Combating The Negatives Of Edibles

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Morning all:

So I've just about got my butter method down. 1 more go and I think I'll have it perfected. I like mine on the weak side, I think the brownies I've made are strong enough. But everybody that has had them says, "Make them stronger next time!", i.e., make the butter stronger next time. OK, no rocket science there. I think I used 1oz weed/ 1# butter. That's not the real ponderous topic of this post, however, but I thought some background might help. So my questions are:

1) Is there any way to avoid the ridiculous cottonmouth one gets when eating weed products? Holy cow, when I chow down it feels like my salivary glands went on vacation!

2) I get the racy-heart thing when I eat too, almost every time. I know it's a sativa vs. indica thing when you're smoking, but does that translate into edibles also? I really, really hate that.

Last time I had a brownie I had to drive on the freeway whilst very high and I about killed the people who gave me the directions since freeway driving requires a bit too much attention and concentration to drive safely when I'm that high. :-( Ugh, what a hot mess that was!

Any help or insight is appreciated. Lucky for me The Spouse always gives me room for 1 plant strictly for edibles. This time I'm LST'ing a Blue Cheese. She's like a 70's porn actress, bushy as hell :lol: and just going into flowering.

Peace out.

P.S. I am considering it my Stoner's Life Quest to create the perfect brownie. I am 2 classes away from being a Chef and eating weed is my favorite, favorite way to get high!


Active Member
cottonmouth? you should be drinking water all day.

racing heart is because you prob ate too much limit yourself and start small. Its easier to work up to it as opposed to just guess.

Indica edibles are going to generally be a heavy couch lock stone. Sativa's are still going to be a body high, still hold the couch lock traits but is more of a mental boost. its much more of a high.

driving while medicated is a no no. You can get fucked pretty hard for getting caught. As you said it was hard to concentrate. Be careful.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
True that to your driving comment. Now, I know it's an indica vs. sativa thing to the racy-heart condition. From what you said it seems like the sativas are the nerve-wracking highs. I can pick which plant to make "mine" for butter purposes, we have Early Blueberry and Blue Cheese in there now. The Spouse would know which is which, indiva vs. sativa. (I can never remember.) Maybe I will cut down the salt in the recipe, that's the only anti-cottonmouth thing I can think of. The freak-out could have been avoided if someone else had driven, and it wasn't like I was hallucinating or anything but it still sucked and your point is still valid.

I'm a couch lock fan as it is, the thing I like about brownies best is the fact that you're high ALL FUCKIN' DAY. Maybe next time we buy beans I will do my homework and pick a nice mellow strain and take it from there.

Thanks for the lone reply in this thread :)
Sativas - taller, skinnier plants. Usually give you more of an energetic/social/heady high. Usually a lighter, fruitier smoke. The more you smoke, the higher you get.

Indicas - shorter, bushier plants with broader fatter leaves. Gives more of a "stoned" couch lock/body buzz high. Usually a slightly harsher, stronger tasting smoke. Smoking a lot usually makes you go to sleep.

Indicas are the shit, I love them, but I think most people prefer the sativa high.