CoMin Up oN yuH with BagSeed Evrrbodyy(day 3 and 9 PICS)


Well-Known Member
Sooo this is my second try we will see if experience from my past grow wil help on this one, so far it has. This is some of the pics of my plant so far today and six days ago, drastic changes have occured. Its actually growing like a fucken weed plant should. Surprise.Surprise:blsmoke:

So usual grow journal replies, questions, comments, and negativity :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well its just a couple days later from day 9 and its second pair of leaves are starting to get bigger then the first set and the third set is getting bigger plus the fourth set is commin in. I think its doin wayyy better then my last grow, experience shows :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Still no comments but its all good, i know you people are watchin, ReSpekt. So these are pics of day 18 and today day 20. I am seeing majorr changes in this bitch, she(hopefully) just does the work herself basically. No fan by the way and look at this stem people, very strong. I pulled the lights up and it got rid of the stubby look a bit, so the under foliage can get some rays of course. Its comin up on leaf pair number 6, not counting the small round ones at the veryy bottom.



Well-Known Member
naw im using those 2 25 watt cfls 1 30 watt cfl that is a sunlight, 1 4' 40 watt fluoro sunlight tube, one other 4' aquarium/plant tube that is 40 watts, and 2 other 40 watt cool white 4' tubes.


Well-Known Member
Nice man, keep the work up..they will be beauties in no time...check out my grow, its a 70 watt HPS...small scale lighting grow like you... good like this time around =]


Well-Known Member
Sadly tho i did lose a few days of good growing because i didnt water it for like a week. and its roots are already comin out the draining holes so im thinking i should get another bag of miracle grow and put it in a big bucket so itll get like...humongous. this grow is gonna squash my last one, not that it already hasnt lol. it took me like 2 months to get where i am now on my last plant :D


Well-Known Member
Sadly tho i did lose a few days of good growing because i didnt water it for like a week. and its roots are already comin out the draining holes so im thinking i should get another bag of miracle grow and put it in a big bucket so itll get like...humongous. this grow is gonna squash my last one, not that it already hasnt lol. it took me like 2 months to get where i am now on my last plant :D

haha yeah check out mine how the 2 liter is sticking way out of the pot its transplanted I went to flush that pot and the roots were coming down thru the holes too..but i have no room to transplant again..


Well-Known Member
itll grow to the size of its roots so it Will get BIG if its in a big ass bucket. thankfully i remember there was a bunch of sizes of pots when i bought mine so im just gonna get a HUGE ass pot and fill it all up after i just get about 40 bucks. Coming to you soon folks, the Huge ass pot everybody :D


Well-Known Member
Couple pics of day 23 and im thinkin of femmin the 8th set after the leaves get a lil bigger, then after the cut im waitin till month number 2 is over and then....the reall fun will begin with flowering.. :blsmoke:

