Comments needed- The Producer Grow Box - Master Kush

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Damn it's been a long time since I have been here. Good to see some of you vets are still gowing strong.

Well....I went and bought the Producer from BCNorthernlights. It cost me about 6 g's to get the whole thing set up. That includes the nutes, fans, pumps, etc. all the basic stuff to do this right the first time....... but it's done now.

If you don't know what the Producer is, it's a complete grow box built with two 400watt (mh or hps) light set up and one 250 watt cool blue spectrum CFL. It comes complete with CO2 and of course the hydro resevoir and irrigation.

  • Temp between 68-78 fahrenheit sometimes it gets up to 87 but not often.
  • Ph is 5.8 - 6.0
  • PPM no more than 420
  • I have 4 air stones and 2 water pumps pushing O2 in the water and giving the water movement.
  • 2-3 fans

  • Sensi grow A and B
  • Superthrive
  • For the last week Root 66 (stimulates root growth)
I have been working hard on my babies....... sometimes I think too much. But I love them. I am going into the 3rd week with them. Not completely happy but not bad either with how they are doing. This hydro shit is way harder than soil. Too sensitive to every little thing. But I will get used to it. Please let me know what you think. I really do appreciate all the help that you have.

The pics below are of my set up and the babies week 1 to 3.



Well-Known Member
Wow, that's cool man.

Looks like you are in flower already right?

I checked out there website to get a better idea of how its built. Looks real solid and you can drain your res with a flip of a switch?
Wheres the res? Its not the lower tub the roots are in is it? I bet its built into the floor.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Wow, that's cool man.

Looks like you are in flower already right?

I checked out there website to get a better idea of how its built. Looks real solid and you can drain your res with a flip of a switch?
Wheres the res? Its not the lower tub the roots are in is it? I bet its built into the floor.

I am still in Veg. with a flip of a switch you can turn to veg or flower. Pretty cool. I will be veg. for another 2 weeks maybe 3.

The res. is the tub where the roots are. with a switch you can drain it, but it takes too long, so I use a 15 gallon shop vac.

Thanks for the comment.


Well-Known Member
beautiful setup...lots of$$...but if youve got it...might as well do it right! If I had the dough, that's the turn-key company I'd buy from...but I'd get the model with the seperate chamber for keeping moms...+rep dude, I'll be following!


Well-Known Member
Well I'll be damned,
I didn't think you could use such a short tub with water in it like a DWC because of the surface area vs. the depth is not
enough to keep the Ph in line. My own theory but this proves me wrong. Thanks for the shot of the res.

Sounds like you have been around the block before but I would just like to mention the fact that you can run out of
height real fast. Unless your going to use bushmasters or some form of training like lollipop/scrog you may want to flip pretty soon.

I would like to see this grow through. Do you plan on updating this thread or creating a thread in the grow journal section? If
so Please post a link here.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member

I would like to see this grow through. Do you plan on updating this thread or creating a thread in the grow journal section? If
so Please post a link here.

I will start a thread in the grow journal and let you know. Thanks for the views.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.....

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted.

Here is what they look like now! Not too bad considering all the BS they have gone through. From every bug imaginable to every other growing mistake I could have made.

As always advice/comments are welcome.

Thanks for stopping by.



Active Member
Are your plants outside of the Producer in this one pic?? It looks like you have a fan right outside of the Producer, does the Producer get too hot and burn the plants?

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
ya the plants are outside of the producer in this pic. The producer only get's hot when the room it's in get's hot. The box runs about 8 degrees hotter than the room it's in.


Active Member
Nice, Does your box overheat at all with the doors closed? did you get the royale package? did everything come shipped that was supposed to?

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
the only time the box over heats is if the room is hot. it usually runs 8 degrees hotter in the box. everything came with it, nutes included and no I did not get the royale package I only upgraded with the T5 lights.