commercial grow help


Well-Known Member
I have a site 2 hours from my house so id want to go only like every 3 weeks

what can i mix in the soil to give it feedings when im not there?
i was thinkin like bone and blood meal

also i wont be able to water all the time so what can i mix in the soil to help that?

maybe p4 crystals

ill be growing blueberry and purple#1
any other suggestions are welcomed


Well-Known Member
well no that's not true because marijuana grows wild. Not to insult you just saying

-im sure someone has pulled it off before

what if i plant near a little stream?


just because it grows in the wild does not mean it can live without being watered


Well-Known Member
Well im going to have about 60 plants sorry i didnt say that

but how could i pull it off

even if I water it like every 2 weeks you dont think they would make it


Well-Known Member
I have a site 2 hours from my house so id want to go only like every 3 weeks

what can i mix in the soil to give it feedings when im not there?
i was thinkin like bone and blood meal

also i wont be able to water all the time so what can i mix in the soil to help that?

maybe p4 crystals

ill be growing blueberry and purple#1
any other suggestions are welcomed
your a commercial grower...
since when do commercial grows let their shit sit there unattended for 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
I've grown out doors before. I used 150lb grain sacks. mix in cow manure, and perlite. I grow on public land so I only went and watered them once a month to avoid leaving trails to my crop. it was my first grow so it didn't go the greatest but they weren't bad.


Active Member
The best you can hope for is put them in dark or camo 5 gal buckets and mix up a really good moisture retaining soil mix, visit them no less than once a week and if at all possible, even more! It's very true, an unattended garden is a failed garden!


Active Member
See my post it may help you

I tend my crop once every 2 weeks or so
and it is going gangbusters!!
5-6ft and starting to go into Flower now.

You need to spend allot of time preparing the plot.
Proper preparation of the soil etc..
Dig Deep holes Proper drainage and Retention, Mix in some dead Animals at the bottom ( I use Fish carcasses) and then shit and good soil mix and you are good to go.
Do this 1 month before you intend on putting your crop out.
Close to a stream is a dammed good Idea especially if you intend on not seeing the lady's for long stretches.
it also helps when you do have to water them as 60 Plants will take allot of watering when you need to.

Without pissing on your parade I would say you will be still hard pressed to get a good yield from your 60 plants if your not bothering to tend them regularly.
especially when your having to ask questions like this.
Growing any Plant will require your intervention regularly if you intend on reeping a harvest from it.
It is not going to be as easy as throwing 60 seeds into some dirt and walking away then coming back in 5-6 months to get a pound off each plant.


Well-Known Member
it seems like ur grow can go anyway. good or bad, its in the air really. i mean are u trying for a certain kinda strain. cuz i wud not plant any seeds outside that i paid for that will b 2hrs away. its like wit this shit, they are an extended part of ur fam in a way. i love to grow. im on my third op and im a commercial grower as well. i tend to my plants regularly and i grow specific strains that are desired here in chi. 2hrs away, that wud be a sucky let down if u get out there an they are dead, stolen, or ate up. but nothin beats a failure but a tryer so good luck bro. i hope u succeed


Active Member
Outdoor growing is easy, You just have to assume some losses. The depth of your hole is really important. Dig it a sdeep as possible, at least as deep as a 5 gal. bucket. Stay away from dead animal carcasses, blood meal. The animals will dig your plants up. Only use bone meal in the bottom of your hole.

You will want to return to your plants to fertilize a few times and water in times of drought.

Coco Coir is the best for moisture retention, use plenty in the bottom of your hole.

Although perlite is awesome, dont use much. It will aid in evaporation.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
No Buckets, but deep holes. Some has to water often, some not so often, what's the deal here? For outdoor, in ground only, take a brick & take a sponge, pour water on each. That's why the same plants needs watering more than others. The soil is the engine, and a finely tuned engine will put out Power House Plants. That is 70% of a successful grow, the soil. Build it by what Sub Cool said in the Organics section. Peat is a good water retention, but it's also anti-microbial. Any healthy soil, that has billions of microbes in it will cultivate your soil 24/7, turning a brick to a sponge, so to speak. Chems will kill these babies, which goes back to a brick type soil. You should be able to just water every 2 weeks, if you build up a good healthy, living soil. Fortunately, you can buy the good shit in bottles- Compost Tea (see Garrett Juice), liquid Seaweed, Molasses, Green Sand, Epsom Salt & fish Emulsion. These mixed together will give your plant what it needs.
If the strain doesn't put out 700 or more grams, fuck that. See KC Brains, from 700, 1,000 to 1,500 grams per plant. More so with good soil. If done properly, one plant can give you 5 to 6 lbs per. Good Luck People.


Well-Known Member
could i take a 5 gal. bucket and drill holes in the bottom and have rubber hoses attatched with drippers and just put the bucket uphill hanging in the stream so the water is forced in the tubes and to the drippers and put a dripper by each plant


Well-Known Member
it seems like ur grow can go anyway. good or bad, its in the air really. i mean are u trying for a certain kinda strain. cuz i wud not plant any seeds outside that i paid for that will b 2hrs away. its like wit this shit, they are an extended part of ur fam in a way. i love to grow. im on my third op and im a commercial grower as well. i tend to my plants regularly and i grow specific strains that are desired here in chi. 2hrs away, that wud be a sucky let down if u get out there an they are dead, stolen, or ate up. but nothin beats a failure but a tryer so good luck bro. i hope u succeed
I notice your a Great Lakes region grower, what strains have you found successful in your area??? I'm not from Illi, but I live real close to lake Huron and have to battle humidty in early spring and summer months. Little advice as it seems you have some experince.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is dig big holes fillthem with 1/4 peat moss 1/4mushroom compost 1/2 cow horse or sheep shit and you'll have kick ass holes and big ass plants


Active Member
HA HA HA - I've been growing in Mi. for 30 yrs. & have never watered my plants. You allready have good soil here & adequate rain. I Just dig some holes ahead of time, critters are attracted to fresh dug dirt, punch in some starts, give them a shot of 19-19-19, ck. them in 3 wks. to make sure they aren't getting chocked out by other weeds, come back twice near the end of July to yank males, ck. them once in Aug. & harvest the end of Sept. The only secret of growing in Mi. is to plant them were other weeds grow big. Going back to your spot all the time is the quickest way to get your plants ripped or eaten by deer, rabbits etc. I'm sure you can get bigger yields by watering them all the time but I average 6-7oz./plant with minimal effort & risk. They're just weeds!