Completely stumped CFL noob grower

I just started growing with CFL and it's for veg stage and my problem is in one of my pot's i have a nice long and fast growing girl and in another pot 2 inches away from the first i have this small little thing. It dosent want to grow anymore it seems. Im wondering if i should pull the plant or if it might grow. Or is this a problem with my height of CFL's i don't think it is since the other plant is in the same lighting and is doing fine :wall:


Active Member
I'm just approaching end of my first grow and had a similar experience:

I had 3 plants, Al, Betty and Charlie. Now Betty, she's a big girl, strong healthy and full of vigour. Al looks up to her big sister, but she looks nice. Charlie? She just never developed. At 3 weeks Betty was big, Al reasonable and Charlie a tiny, barely developing little girl. At 5 weeks she had still not really developed, so I threw her out.

Give your little one 2 weeks, look at progress next to her sister. If she has not started to show signs of catching up you may as well bin her, what I have learned is that however developement goes at the beginning it will follow through all the way.

White Noise

Without more info on your room specs it's difficult to diagnose. That being said, the above posters are both right. Give it more time. If it doesn't catch up, it's probably a runt. Some plants just don't grow fast for whatever reason, and it's probably not due to anything you did.


Active Member
you describing one of your plants as "long" and then asking about your lights sounds like you need to lower your lights. using CFLs you want your lights 1"-2" away from the plant. just enough room to grow and not touch.


Well-Known Member
im voting bad genetics on the small one .. bin it .
or practice topping or some shit lol .